The Call List
The Dungeon Barkeep is mixing up new cocktails every single week. With all those new drinks, you’re gonna want to see the menu.
The Aceresazerac- Rinse/wash the glass with absinthe then add one ounce each of Brandy/Cognac, Bourbon and Gin. Garnish with a twist of lemon and a twist of lime
The Graveyard Gimlet- 2 ozs. of gin or vodka (tradition calls for gin), 1 oz. of vanilla simple syrup, 1 oz. of fresh-squeezed lime juice. Add all to a shaker with ice. Shake vigorously. Double-strain (using a fine mesh strainer if you have it) into a chilled up/martini glass covered in cobwebs.
The Dwarven Daquiri- 1 oz. dry rum, 1 oz. Canadian whiskey, vanilla simple syrup and 1 oz fresh squeezed lime juice
Just Desserts- 2 oz Rum, 1 oz Vanilla Whiskey, 1 oz Simple Syrup and 1 oz Aquafaba (the juice from a can of garbanzo beans/ chickpeas). Combine in a tin and shake without ice to froth. Add ice and shake again. Strain into a coup and garnish with ground spice such as cinnamon or nutmeg.
*You may with to halve the rum for a smoother, less boozy version.
The Great Old Fashioned One- 2 1/4 oz Whiskey, 3/4 oz Dry Vermouth, 3/4 oz Simple Syrup, 1/4 oz Tequila, 1 Dash of Bitters and Whiskey Cherries (to your preference). Muddle Cherries and bitters in a rocks glass. Add the remaining ingredients and stir with ice.
Dragon with a Santa Hat On - 1 oz. Chili & Pineapple infused whiskey, 1/2 oz. cinnamon simple syrup, 1/2 oz. fresh lime juice. Shake with ice and serve as a shot with whipped cream and a cherry to top.
Potion of Holiday Cheer- 2 oz spiced rum, 1 oz. Cointreau or triple sec, 1 oz. cinnamon simple syrup, 1 oz. fresh lime juice. Shake with ice and strain into a rocks glass. Top with ginger beer and garnish with a candied citrus wheel.
Scent of Space- 1oz apple whiskey, 2oz brandy, Absinthe rinse, Sugar cube, Small sprig rosemary. Muddle sugar, bourbon and brandy. Add ice and shake. Rinse glass with absinthe. Roast a small sprig of rosemary to smoking. Drop into rinsed glass which should flame the absinthe. Strain mix into this prepared glass.
Per Aspira- Fresh Grapefruit juice 2 oz, Irish Whiskey 2 oz, Simple syrup ½ oz, Fresh Lime 1, Guava Nectar 1.5.
*Cut a wide strip of grapefruit zest and a wedge before juicing grapefruit.
Method- Shake with ice strain into a rocks glass over crushed ice. Garnish with a wedge of grapefruit and a flaming lime boat.
Bad Astra- Mango Nectar 2 oz, Guava Nectar .5 oz, Lime juice .5 oz, Rum 1.5 oz, Triple sec 1 oz, .5 oz aquafaba*
Method- Shake all ingredients until the sound of liquid sloshing is muted by foam inside the shaker. Add Ice and shake again. Strain into a coup.
The Stercoraceous 1oz each or Rye, Tequila, simple syrup and pineapple juice. Freeze the pineapple juice if you can for extra points.
Method-Shake until the pineapple cube is completely broken up if using liquid pineapple juice. If water ice, crack your ice before shaking until well chilled.
Macronecter of the Gods 1oz Scotch 1oz Cointreau (or triple sec) 1oz lemon juice 1oz vanilla syrup
Method- Mix with ice and top with sparkling water.
The Swash Wash: 2 oz spiced rum, !/2 oz olive brine, 1/4 oz simple syrup, 1 barspoon of bitters.
Method- Add to a glass of ice and stir.
Springjack: 2 oz Brandy, 1 oz orange juice, 1/2 oz lime juice, 1/2 oz simple syrup.
Method- Muddle an orange wheel with all ingredients then shake with ice. Strain and serve. Optionally: top with seltzer
Guidold Fashioned One: 2 oz Vodka, 1 oz Cointreu, 1 oz Scotch, 1/2 oz simple, 2 dashes bitters.
* Aquafaba: The water from a can of chickpeas.
Randomly Generated Cocktails
The Failed Throw- 4 parts (corrected from the video) root beer, 1 part Cointreau, 1 part grenadine. Shaken, all of it.
The Group Goes That Way- Start with equal parts chili pineapple whiskey, bourbon and dry vermouth. Add in a half measure of pumpkin spice coffee liqueur and some bittercube bitters. Box and serve without ice, despite what everyone tells you.
The Manticore Mule- one part black coconut rum, one part lemon drop martini mix (sour mix would likely substitute well), 1/2 part grenadine and a few drops of bitters. Stir in a coup and serve with elevated expectations.*
*Addition of some club soda made this immeasurably more delicious.
Dragonsbane!- This ended up being a layered shot of spiced rum, lemon drop martini mix and Reaper Squeezins hot sauce. https://puckerbuttpeppercompany.com/p...
Tiefling Iced Tea- Shake equal parts Vodka, Canadian Whiskey, Limon Rum, Apple Bourbon, Cointreau, simple and the juice of an entire lemon. with ice then pour over ice into a chilled Collins glass. Top with cola.
Pirate Poison- 1 oz limon rum, 1/2 oz vermouth. Roll together with ice and serve in a chilled coup rimmed with orange flavored sugar.
Flaming Fairy Nectar- Roll equal parts tequila and grenadine with a few drops of blackstrap bitters. Top with tonic. Float a layer of overproof liquor and light it before serving.
Bugbear Juice- Combine 2 oz Vodka, 1 oz Cointreau, and 1 oz simple syrup in a tin. Add a few drops of bitters and ice before rolling and straining into a rocks glass. Add some soda water to take it all the way to orange soda.
The Balrog Whip- Pour two ounces of watermelon flavored rum into a glass and stir with a twist of lemon. For that extra Mines of Moria flavor, float overproof alcohol on the top and flame the drink using a bar spoon to bring the lemon zest into the flames. Do not allow to burn too long as it will heat the glass and may burn you or cause the glass to break.
Astral Martini- Pour 2oz. scotch and 1 oz. lime juice into a shaker with a few dashes of hot sauce. Muddle a lime round in the bottom of the shaker tin. Roll but do not stain into a rocks glass. Served up might have been more on the mark, barkeep's choice.
Bahamut's Blessing- 2 oz coconut rum, 3/4 oz of simple syrup and 3/4 oz (ish) of lemon juice. Garnish with a lemon twist. Combine in a glass with ice and stir.
The Barkeep’s Saving Throw- 1 1/2 oz of Absinthe, 1 1/2 oz of jellied cranberry sauce, 1/2 oz of Amaretto Liqueur and 1/4 oz of lemon juice. Shake with ice and strain into a coup. Texture should be a little like a thin slushee.
Alignment Jumbler- 2 1/2 oz Brandy, 1 oz fresh lemon juice, 1/2 oz simple syrup and a dash of bitters. Shake with Ice and pour into a sugar rimmed glass.
Megalixer- Vodka Citroen, Black Coconut Rum, Lime Juice, Rimming Sugar. Combine 2 oz Vodka Citroen, 1 oz Black Coconut Rum and 1/2 oz lime juice in a tin with ice and box/roll. Pour into a rimmed rocks glass.
Optional- Garnish with a candied citrus wheel.
Goblet of Fire- Black Coconut Rum, Grenadine, Blue Cheese Olives (and brine), bitters, sugar cube and everclear.
Original method- (pour carefully into the glass over a bar spoon to create layers) 1/4 oz olive brine, 1/2 oz grenadine, 1 1/2 oz. black coconut rum. Fill a jigger with blue 3 cheese olives and top with a sugar cube. Drop three drops of bitters onto the sugar cube then top with everclear (enough to light). Flame sugar cube and present. Drinker should pour olives and flaming sugar cube into the drink allowing it to agitate the drink.
Revised- 1 1/2 oz black coconut rum, 1/2 oz simple syrup, 1/2 oz grenadine, 1/4 oz olive brine, bitters. Add all to a tin and shake with ice. strain into a glass and garnish with three blue cheese queen olives.
Long Rest- 2 oz Bourbon, 1 oz Citroen Vodka, Lemon/Lime simple syrup rolled with ice. Strain into a coup rimmed with powdered peppermint puffs. Top with a float of everclear which you then fail to light on fire.