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Andy Pymont
Describe yourself and your play style. I'm Andy, a 40-year-old gamer from Liverpool in the UK. I enjoy RPGs for the stories we tell together, and especially bouncing ideas off of each other to create something which none of us could have come up with on our own.
Tell us about your favorite NPC to have run. I have really enjoyed the various versions of the Sheriff of Greenwood that I've run in games of Greenwood Outlaws. I involve the players in creating the character, and I find it fun playing someone that they have had a hand in creating and having to incorporate their choices into my roleplay. Plus of course, the Sheriff is the villain in a fictional cartoon, which is great fun to play even before we start adding specifics!
Is there anything else you'd like to tell potential players to help them get to know you? I suffer from chronic fatigue and I have several other people in my life who have disabilities. It's important to me that gaming is for everyone and to enable people to play these fun games together. If you have specific accessibility needs, please let me know so I can do my best to help you enjoy the session.
Gary R. Hallert
Describe yourself and your play style. I'm an ugly (we will not be sharing video), overweight, semi-rich, semi-retired half-white dude. Coming from privilege, I often make mistakes with people who've suffered from the society I benefited from, but I am open to correction and I will try to keep the game running with acknowledgment and adjusted behaviors on my part. That said, I have been running different types of RPGs since the 80s. I tend to play fast and loose with the rules of any system and default to narrative events when in a bind. I run from rough plot outlines, expecting player choices to shape most of the experience.
Tell us about your favorite NPC to have run. I like to open the table up to players and have them step into NPC roles from time-to-time, increasing the level of interaction and player agency. I used to do a lot of silly voices, but my microphone limits that these days. I still do a few, just to differentiate.
Is there anything else you'd like to tell potential players to help them get to know you? I'll have patience with you if you have patience with me! Let's have patience with each other. I try to work grim and serious things into the game on the edges, which people seem to want, but I'm bad at that and I'd rather we all had fun.
Describe yourself and your play style. I'm a TTRPG designer, a horror enthusiast and currently a professional Gamemaster on SPG. I like to run my games with Theater of the Mind style. I like to bother player-characters with chaotic events, disturb the players a little bit just enough to get them into the mood. But certainly, my intention is NOT giving them discomfort. Safety is always important. I think that communication is the most important thing, and if there's anything wrong with me or my GMing, I would like to know to fix it. In the end, we are all here for entertainment, right?
Tell us about your favorite NPC to have run. He's called Vladimir Dmitrov. A Tzsimisce in one of my VTM games. He's a tough businessman, a mafia, and also a vampire who lives for his honor. I like to roleplay him so much, because I like to try to imitate Russian accent even if I can't do it properly :)
Is there anything else you'd like to tell potential players to help them get to know you? I'm a reasonable person, please feel free to interact with me.
Find Shatargat online: X/Twitter: @shatargat - Instagram: @blackdragontomes - Twitch: @shatargattheblack - Youtube: @shatargat
Andrew Pontious
Describe yourself and your play style: Older gentleman who favors highly cinematic play.
Tell us about your favorite NPC to have run: Hilma af Thulenstierna, married to the powerful Vaesen Finist the Falcon, but determined to save their children from him.
Is there anything else you'd like to tell potential players to help them get to know you?: I want to give every player a chance to shine.
Describe yourself and your play style. Forever DM who likes emotional stakes and player agency. I describe the world around you. YOU affect it. You want to do something outside of what your player should be able do? I will almost always say yes…but there will be a cost.
Tell us about your favorite NPC to have run. Gabri and Beau Abernathy - a queer interracial multigenerational couple who run an occult bookstore in a fictional Louisiana Parish.
Is there anything else you'd like to tell potential players to help them get to know you? I will always do whatever I can to be sure you are seen and heard. I will always make sure to give you a spotlight moment.
Kody Raslawski
Describe yourself and your play style. I am a fairly easy going, generally serious GM, though I've been known for my comedic games. I lean heavily into horror and general weirdness in my games. This is likely on account of my first GMing experience coming from Call of Cthulhu. I love introducing people to ttrpgs they haven't played before. As an avid runner of horror games, my goal is to ensure that no matter how bad of a time my player's characters are having, that the players themselves walk away happy.
Tell us about your favorite NPC to have run. My favorite NPC was a man by the name of Stephen Hurst, or as my players called him, Casserole Man. He was an antiquarian living in 1920s Chicago who's study of the occult unhinged him enough to make him quirky rather than completely insane. Every time the players would arrive to see him there would be an escalating number of locks he would undo on his door, as he complained about the hooligans across the street, referring to the local grade school. He earned his name when the players found out they could wholesale purchase his loyalty by bringing him food, mostly casseroles.
Adam Weber
Describe yourself and your play style. I'm a generalist nerd who loves collaborative storytelling, playing to find out what happens, and being a huge fan of my players' characters. I've logged the most hours in high fantasy settings but also enjoy post-apocalypse, steampunk & sorcery, and sci-fi. My TTRPG adventure started with Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition, but feel most at home playing or running narrative systems in the Powered by the Apocalypse and Forged in the Dark lineage. I also enjoy story games like Microscope and The Quiet Year.Away from the table I'm a software engineer and enjoy surfing, traveling, baking, and long walks with my Australian Shepherd, Bandit.
Tell us about your favorite NPC to have run. My favorite NPC to run was a villain in a D&D 5e campaign named Baron Reginald Beauclerc. I don't usually do much voice acting, but for Reginald I did an impression of Ren Highpearl, one of Brian Murphy's NPCs from NADDPOD, and the players fell in love with hating him. Reginald dripped with the pretentiousness and disdain – it was just so much fun to look down Reginald's long nose, knowing that in the end the players' characters would put him in his place. They did, and we all loved it.
Sean F. Smith
Describe yourself and your play style. cinematic, descriptive, impactful, and genuine.
Tell us about your favorite NPC to have run. Mr Philips was a stonetroll bouncer for a Tethalian ale-house, so named for his ridged head that resembled a screwdriver point. (He would usually wear a hat.)
Is there anything else you'd like to tell potential players to help them get to know you? Queer, British, suspected neurospicery
instagram: @sean__f__smith
Mingus the Mad Mage
Describe yourself and your play style. I am a full-time musician and educator. I have been running games for the last 5+ years. My games tend to lean more into exploration and combat but you can find some interesting NPC's occasionally. You can expect a fast-paced thrill ride from my games.
Tell us about your favorite NPC to have run. A sentient magic sword with a sassy personality who was afraid of combat and thus screamed bloody murder whenever it was swung.
Is there anything else you'd like to tell potential players to help them get to know you? I love music and tacos. Please bring some with you to the session.
Garrett Douglas
Describe yourself and your play style. “I'm the coolest teacher you ever had in school (I actually teach kindergarten in real life!) and I'm so excited to share in the stories these games help us tell. I still remember the person who got me into this world and I would love nothing more than to be that person for YOU. I like spooky things, silly things, and flying by the seat of my pants.”
Tell us about your favorite NPC to have run. “Mr. James (named after M.R. James), the grumpy groundskeeper at Shelley Academy hiding more than one secret behind his perpetually furrowed brows.”
Is there anything else you'd like to tell potential players to help them get to know you? “The number one rule I maintain in my life and my classroom and my games: If you don't know, just ask.”
On Instagram as @gobbogary
Nona de Koning
Describe yourself and your play style. “I'm Nona, a 31 y/o F queer & neurodivergent gamerunner from The Netherlands. I like TTRPGs as a medium to tell awesome stories together. I mesh well with players who are creative and think outside the box. I love exploration and roleplay but don't care much for combat, so I gravitate toward systems were combat is swift and/or involves more cinematic descriptions and active roleplaying. I prefer settings where characters are ordinary and not all that powerful, yet choose to be brave and face very real dangers. My system of choice for conventions is Mausritter (OSR/NuSR style), but I know and run a large variety of systems and occasionally offer one of those for Pickup Con as well.”
Tell us about your favorite NPC to have run. “Yort, a wizard's apprentice mouse who got captured by AI robots who believed he could turn them into flesh & blood. He tried to keep up a mad scientist/powerful wizard charade, but was honestly clueless and knew very little magic, just biding his time til he could escape.”
Is there anything else you'd like to tell potential players to help them get to know you? “Outside of tabletop RPGs, I play a lot of board games. I like teaching games, both RPGs and board games, and encourage people to reach out if I can demo something for you! I own 4 adorable cats who like to distract me with their shenanigans. I always want more hours in a day to spend with my awesome friends and on too many fun hobbies. When not gaming or cuddling cats, I organize all sorts of events, do a bunch of arts & crafts, try to learn how to play the keyboard, go on day trips to the local safari park or spa, and much more.”
Instagram/Twitch/Youtube: NonaKnowsGames
RPGGeek/BoardGameGeek/reddit: YourLoveOnly
BoardGameArena/Yucata/Discord: NonaQ
Upcoming Games:
David P
Describe yourself and your play style. “I'm a long-time video gamer who has dipped in and out of table-top roleplaying over the decades. I GM occasionally when the mood strikes me. Give me a rules-lite system any day of the week. I like things fast, fun, and never too serious. Flawed characters who make mistakes are the best to play and play with. The d20 is the worst polyhedron.”
Is there anything else you'd like to tell potential players to help them get to know you? “If you can make me laugh while still behaving appropriately for your character and the world/setting, we'll get along just fine.”
Golden Spirit Gaming
Is there anything else you'd like to tell potential players to help them get to know you? “I am a huge role player and adore systems like Cortex that really dig into the role-playing aspect of ttrpgs. I’ve run games from D&D 5e to Tales of Xadia as a professional GM, and I look forward to playing an amazing game with you all!”
Tell us about your favorite NPC to have run. “I don’t want to spoil anything, but getting to play a goofy but trying to be serious guard has been such fun! I love playing silly characters the most but the brooding NPCs can certainly be just as fun. “
Is there anything else you'd like to tell potential players to help them get to know you? “Safety and inclusion are my top priorities in gaming. If my players feel neither safe nor included, the game falls apart quickly and the fun ends abruptly. I am LGBT+ friendly and make sure that everyone feels comfortable at my table. “
Collin R.
Describe yourself and your play style. “I'm a science teacher by day and a former forever GM by night who got to play for a few years then realized he missed the itch of having a consistent game to run. I love to explore and learn just for the sake of it and think RPGs are a great way to form new friendships and explore themes and ideas together. I enjoy playing and running games which encourage collaborative world-building and storytelling between GM and players like Monster of the Week (and other PbtA games), Blades in the Dark, as well as GM-less games such as Yazeba's B&B and Wanderhome. I like to challenge my players but I always root for them, and like to focus on themes like self-exploration, found family, and healing the past.”
Tell us about your favorite NPC to have run. “My favorite NPC I've created was a bookkeeper named Krag Stone-Toss. He tended to a small personal library owned jointly with another NPC and was an invaluable source of information for the party when they played through the 5E Ghosts of Saltmarsh adventures, often trading information with the party as they uncovered the various plots taking place as part of that setting. My long-time players have come to know "The Krag" as an NPC archetype which they can always trust to be helpful (at some small price) and dependable, which I find helps them with hesitation to form lasting connections with NPCs even in games with lots of intrigue or betrayal.”
Is there anything else you'd like to tell potential players to help them get to know you? “I'm endlessly fascinated with things people might often find strange, weird, or otherwise gross (blame my science teachers). I'll hear out just about any idea for a character or other idea in a game, though we might have to work together to make some things work in a certain setting/tone or make it fair for other players.”
Upcoming Games
Yaniv Rose
Describe yourself and your play style. I'm Neev, and I'm all about growth and expansion through Role Playing Games! I am trained and certified as a space-holder and Authentic Relating facilitator. Is there space for authenticity in RPGs? I think so! I would argue that we can be VERY authentic while playing a different characters, because we get to touch less explored parts of us. Parts that are just itching to be expressed! If you are looking for a fun experience that is also full of person growth, emotion and deep connection with others, I'm the GM for you! Here is some of what people have said about my facilitation: https://testimonial.to/yaniv-rose/all Looking forward to playing together, Love, Neev 💗
Tell us about your favorite NPC to have run. Boarificent - A now Supervillian / former Russian Tsar named Boris Krakovitch. Boris was turned into a half boar man after a decommissioned soviet super-solider program was recommissioned in order to save him from succumbing to cancer.
Find Yaniv @yaniv_rose_ on IG and Twitter.
Ashton MacSaylor
Describe yourself and your play style. “I am a game designer, professional DM, and long-time forever DM. I run a professional gaming company, with 7 other DMs who work for me, running paid games. We've got a few DM's Guild materials out there, but this RPG is our first foray into seriously publishing a full, independent RPG. As a DM, I lean toward cinematic, story-focused games. I don't particularly fancy dungeon crawls or pointless combats. I like it when the conflict serves the story, rather than the other way around. I don't like encounters for their own sake; I want every scene to move the story forward. I love finding the story in a game as it emerges, leaning into the dramatic plot twists and the climactic final confrontations. I love getting into the character's heads, both the PCs and NPCs, discovering what makes them tick, and revealing the incredible story that can emerge through play.”
Tell us about your favorite NPC to have run. “Not sure this is my favorite ever, but at the top of my head right now. About two hours ago (as of writing this) I was running a very cool NPC in one of my professional games: a spirit called the Watcher, who lives deep in the Black Woods. It takes the form of a larger-than-life bear with the head of an owl and the antlers of a stag. It has three eyes, but each eye looks like a clock face, with the third, central eye, dominating all of them. They wanted to ask it questions, and it demanded a price. When it spoke, the world seemed to shrink and shiver, and the players just about peed themselves when they realized that they needed to come up with a gift not just to get what they wanted, but even just to leave alive. They paid a king's ransom: one player gave up his treasured magical weapons, twin shadow blades that can turn anyone they kill into a shadow which obeys the wielder. And they got the answers they sought. At the critical moment of its speech, its voice grew louder and deeper, and the rest of the world seemed to fade away, and a bell seemed to toll with each word it emphasized, and then they lost track of some time and came to outside of the forest. The players were raving about how awesome that guy was, so yeah, it was a memorable moment :)”
Is there anything else you'd like to tell potential players to help them get to know you? “Like I said, I run a very story-focused, roleplay-heavy game. Come ready to dive into the inner psychology of your character! The more you bring, the more I can give you back.”
Find Ashton online, @ashtonmacsaylor on Twitter, or www.sunsailorproductions.com
Upcoming Games
Lise Mych
Describe yourself and your play style. “I've been involved with ttrpgs for ~4 years now although I'm pretty new to GM-ing. I love to play games with interesting mechanics or world-building. In my free time you can find me digging around the depths of itch.io trying to find the weirdest and most unique tabletop games.”
Is there anything else you'd like to tell potential players to help them get to know you? “I really try to have a high degree of collaboration in my games. I like to ask for player input in world-building and storytelling. My games tend not to be too serious. Also, I'm very much a fan of the "rule of cool." :)”
DM Thac0
Describe yourself and your play style. "“I'm an experienced "Forever" DM/GM and I love the role. I tend toward high fantasy games though I am dabbling in gritty/grim dark in the near future. I prefer homebrew games over modules due to the freedom it gives both the players and myself. I work very hard on creating a fair game using the rules as guidelines and giving a lot of freedom for my players to come up with any crazy idea and try to make it work. I love teaching new players and pushing the limits of veterans. D&D is my comfort zone however I have played other systems such as Shadowrun, Vampire the Masquerade, DCC, and Honey Heist.
Tell us about your favorite NPC to have run. “My favorite NPC is Meepo from the D&D Sunless Citadel module. I like to run that module for new players and every single group I have had has fallen in love with this NPC. I play this sheepish and meek kobold who is so distraught over losing his pet. Creating an endearing NPC for the players to connect with and make them feel like they're part of the story makes this NPC so much fun to run.
Is there anything else you'd like to tell potential players to help them get to know you? “I am firm in my decisions but I am also very willing to hear a player's side first. Feel free to communicate with me whether you're confused, pleased, or disagree with something. I may be the GM, but I'm just as much a player at the table as you and, I'm human, I'll make mistakes.”
Find DM Thac0 online: @Nat20Academy - Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Nat20Academy.com (site is under construction)
Mitch Bustillos
Running games for 10 years!
Describe yourself and your play style: I focus on horror or comedy with a spice of whimsy.
Tell us about your favorite NPC to have run: Mr Meatyz...he shall never be named again...
Find Mitch on Twitter @mitchbustillos