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It is the expectation of TTRPG Pickup Con that all of our participants will work together to maintain a respectful and safe table.
We are trusting in the community to look after each other. Please come into this event with a positive attitude and a mind toward the mental safety of your fellow players. Game Runners have agreed to keep an eye on safety and help protect their players as a part of their signup. We’re all nerds here and nerds do best in a community.
To aid in that mutual care…
As a part of registration, the con committee asks that you fill out our lines and veils form. Once your lines and veils are on file, you will not need to submit them again but you may update them at any time provided you are logged into the same email account. Fill out the lines and veils form here.
Every participant in the convention agrees to the following as a part of registration:
I agree to play safely and with the health of my fellow players in mind.
I agree not to interfere with how other players choose to run their characters unless they ask for my input.
If someone makes me uncomfortable, I know I can report it using the contact form on the con website or report it to a member of the #ConCommittee on Discord. The con committee will address it with the other person.
We Use Lines and Veils at the table.
To assist in maintaining a safe gaming environment, you will receive an anonymized list of lines and veils prior to game time. If one of these topics is essential to your plot, please include this in your pre-game conversations and allow players to privately discuss with you whether they want to stay signed up and how you can make them comfortable.
Game runners will review and anonymized list of lines and veils with the table before you begin so that everyone can work together for safety.
All registrants are encouraged to fill out our lines and veils form.
The X card is mandatory.
In this setting, this will take the form of typing a capital “X” alone into the chat of your teleconference or making an X with your arms if your camera is on. Full details of how the X Card works are available from John Stravapoulos using the following link. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SB0jsx34bWHZWbnNIVVuMjhDkrdFGo1_hSC2BWPlI3A/edit
Additional Resources
Our friends at Golden Lasso Games have compiled a fabulous list of additional resources for TTRPG safety. http://goldenlassogames.com/tools
Please report any issues to a member of the Con Commitee.