Back to the Future II Part 1

Back to the Future II Part 1
Time 2 Party

Erin Cline, Ben Silverio, and Ansel Burch are pop culture observers/ content creators/ excellent friends who are here to make sure everyone has sex with the right people at the right times.

We’re back with drinking and smoking rules for Back the the Future II, the proof that if you’re good enough, you can make pretty much the same movie a second time and make it awesome.

Find us online!

Erin Cline is @nyderngenc on Instagram.

Ben Silverio is @BSilverio20 on Instagram, X, Threads, Blusky, and Hive.

Ansel Burch is @TheIndecisionist on IG Facebook, Yowsa, Blusky, and Threads.

Check out Ansel’s new TTRPG, Cards!

Check out Ansel’s new time travel actual play, For the Time Being!

Next week we’re reviewing to movie and diving into our feelings about it. It’s going to be a good conversation. Until then, make sure you’re subscribed because it’s always #Time2Party


Ben Silverio 0:06

Hey, I'm Ben Silverio

Erin Cline 0:09

and I'm Erin Cline,

Ansel Burch 0:11

and I'm Ansel Burch,

Speaker 1 0:12

and it's Time 2 Party.

Ben Silverio 0:18

We are not doctors.

Ansel Burch 0:20

We are not doctors. We don't give medical advice. Please drink responsibly. Today's episode is recorded on January, 20, 2025,

Erin Cline 0:32

it's a day

Yeah, welcome back to me.

Ben Silverio 0:48

Party people, welcome back. It's a new year. But more importantly, welcome back to the enigma. Erin Cline, old host, hey everybody. Looks so good to have the original crew I know all reunited. So excited. What a perfect movie for this. Also,

Ansel Burch 1:07

yes, got right.

Ben Silverio 1:09

Fun fact. Party people, February 2021, was when we started this. We are at. We are at, February 2025, what you'll be listening

Erin Cline 1:25

to this? I love this. Oh my gosh, that's nice. Yeah, it's nice to be back on a good milestone like that too. Yes,

Ben Silverio 1:33

we planned it exactly that way. I'm so glad

Ansel Burch 1:39

this is definitely not a conspiracy of the scheduling mistakes, definitely obligation. This

Erin Cline 1:45

was a thing that we planned. 1,000% were very good at podcasting.

Ansel Burch 1:49

Yes, we're so as we move into Biff tannens timeline, here we are, oh

Ben Silverio 1:54

man, yes, as Ansel said at the top of the show, you know, when this is recorded being recorded. Things are happening in this country, and it's fucking wild, yep, Final Countdown. But

Ansel Burch 2:10

you know what? What? I wouldn't give for precedented time

Erin Cline 2:12

for real. You know what it sounds it sucks, living through history. Turns out, I always thought that maybe it would be cool. It's not. It's actually the worst.

Ben Silverio 2:23

It's like, oh, hey, it'll be cool if something historic happened, and then another thing happened, and then another thing happened, and then another thing happened. Like, hmm, my city is burning down, bro,

Ansel Burch 2:33

that's wild. But more this time,

Erin Cline 2:36

yes. Like, I'm glad you're safe running anymore

Ben Silverio 2:41

I am, yes, hopefully I don't have to later today or tomorrow, because the Santa Anas are supposed to pick up again this week. God, so we'll see. I have my bag packed just in case. Yeah, hi, but let's talk about fun stuff. Yeah,

Erin Cline 3:03

let's talk about, thanks,

Ansel Burch 3:04

Bill Burch and Zemeckis. I

Erin Cline 3:07

was gonna say, Let's Let's all celebrate a movie that a bunch of people think is bad and they're wrong and they should shut because it's

Ansel Burch 3:14

really, oh my God, I don't understand those people. It's because

Erin Cline 3:17

they can't follow continuity. That's what it is. There's so much continuity jump in this, and some of it is really confusing, and some of it doesn't work very well, but, like, it's a children's movie, it's not that hard.

Ansel Burch 3:30

It's not but also just a time travel romp, like it's confusing is built in exactly.

Erin Cline 3:36

They'd already done the one that was clean cut. Why not do a fucking wild one after that exactly. It's Mex is nuts, yeah.

Ansel Burch 3:46

And then the master stroke of the third one, of course,

Erin Cline 3:48

which I hated until I was an adult, and then we covered it, and I was like, Okay, well, maybe I like it. And now as a parent especially, I was like, I understand why my mom likes this so much. It's very much an adult one. Like, okay, I guess I'm an adult now,

Ansel Burch 4:06

that's how you know, I know, right? You

Erin Cline 4:07

watch Back to the Future three and you're like, wow, I really connect with these, like colonial Americans.

Ben Silverio 4:17

I know we're not really talking about the third one this month. But I just got to bring up that Mary Steen Burch and is fucking fabulous. She's

Erin Cline 4:26

so good in that movie. She's so fucking good in that movie. Also, did you know her and Ted Danson got back together? I was like, I was

Ben Silverio 4:33

just gonna bring that up. Oh my god, Ted Danson are the cutest.

Erin Cline 4:38

I'm so delighted I know that they got like, I think they actually got divorced after the last Curb Your Enthusiasm season that she was in. Oh, and that was why she stopped being on the show. Because she was like, this is I don't want to play married to my ex husband. And then they showed up at the Golden Globes together, and I was like, What the fuck Mary. I'm happy to see

Ben Silverio 4:57

you just been like, a separation. Just because I listen to Ted's podcast, and I say that it's Ted's podcast because Woody is supposed to be on it, but he's not on it all the time. So it's knocking actually just Ted's podcast, but it's called where everybody knows your name, obviously. And there are some really great episodes where they talk to George Wentz and Kelsey Grammer, but also, like they just talked to their their friends, like Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell, and they did a two parter with Mary Steenburgen. And it's delightful. Highly recommend it. Love

Erin Cline 5:41

that. I like them together. I would like for them to continue being together. I love an old Yes, old Hollywood's not the right way to say that. I love an older Hollywood couple that is still together. I find that it's like, when an actor retires and you're like, they got to retire, they made a decision to

Ansel Burch 5:57

stop working, like for real. They didn't just die in the middle of a movie, right?

Erin Cline 6:02

Exactly, like, oh, that's like, Oh, my God. There are a couple I can't think of off the top of my head, that it's like, Oh, you just got old and you were like, Oh, bye. Like, I love that. I think it's great. So I'm all for people being good to themselves. Absolutely. I button on that.

Ben Silverio 6:23

Oh my gosh. So it has been a while since we've been in the presence of greatness that is Aaron Klein on this podcast. Let's, let's recap. What have you been up to, Aaron, since we last saw you? Was

Erin Cline 6:38

that, like two years ago?

Ben Silverio 6:41

It's been a while. It's been quite

Erin Cline 6:43

a while. Yeah, I you know, things are going pretty good. Despite the state of the world, things are going pretty well. I have a kid. I'm pretty sure the last time I was on I had just had a kid. My son is going to be three in about three weeks. So I've been having a toddler. I went to a brunch thing on Sunday, and one of my friends was there who I like, don't see super often, and she, like, stopped me in the middle of a sentence, and was like, You look really great. Why are you so muscley? And I was like, I have a 40 pound toddler, and that's literally it. It's, that's the only I don't try, I don't work out endless reps. Truly, He likes to dance while I hold him, and so I'm doing like, hundreds of squats with a 40 pound child who's moving. So I've been I've accidentally got fit, which has been very nice. An exciting thing is that I performed for plan nine last year in 2024 I did all four shows and did four performances, two two solos and two duets. And I found out about 35 seconds before I went on online, on stage for my second one, I don't like solo performing. And so then I got to go do my solo, knowing I fucking hate this. I don't actually like doing it. And so I got this in the end, and I was like, well, that's that I will not be doing right after How did it go? And I was like, Fine, I'm done with that. Like, oh my god. So it has been an interesting year to learn about myself that I don't actually like that.

Ben Silverio 8:17

Ansel, I need you to know that I pitched Aaron an idea for an act that I think would be spectacular. I suggested that she make an make a duet act for Mary Tyler Moore and Dick Van Dyke from The Dick Van Dyke Show.

Erin Cline 8:34

Yeah, personally, I think it's a great idea. The person who would be my Dick Van Dyke, maybe not. It's been a year. It's been quite a year. In that regard, fucked a bunch of people's lives up about that, actually. But you know, whatever, it's fine, yeah. Sorry, yeah. I like, I don't know. I don't know how to explain two years back into an up top but, yeah, I think that covered, yeah, right. I did a bunch of stuff I had never tried before. It went very well. I had a breakup that did go super well. But things are good. Things are like, in a great place right now. I feel very good. I feel like my relationships are in pretty good places, like, I don't know things feel really good. I feel like, after the election, I put my foot down for myself, and was like, Who do I care about? Who do I want to make sure that these people are in my lives? Who do I want to keep working with, who are important to me, to keep inside of a creative circle? So I've been working really hard for the last, like three months, especially to be like, my friends are important to me. The relationships that I have with people I care about are super important to me. And so that's my vibe going into 2025 I want less drama. I want to not look at the constant fire hose of bullshit all the time. I just won't do it this year. I can't and yeah, I just want to embrace joy. That's That's my 2025 is there's a lot of fucked up shit happening. Today in particular is a shitty one. I refuse to go online today, but yeah, I feel like there's a lot of positive shit moving forward right now, and it's super nice. So that's how I've been mixed bag, but pretty good.

Ben Silverio 10:10

You also got a shit ton of really awesome tattoos. Oh, my God,

Erin Cline 10:15

you're right. I forgot that that was post my last episode. Oh my god. Yeah, in oh man, in 2023 I got 15 tattoos. And then in 2024 I got four, but one of them is an entire back piece, and then the other one is a big stomach piece. So four, so ball wink. Yeah, it was. It felt really good. I felt like I really wanted to, take back my own feeling of my body after having had a child. And I was like, I've always wanted to be heavily tattooed, and so I just went for it. I was like, I got the extra money right now. I have time I'm doing this. I met a bunch of great artists who now I'm like, friend. I cannot tell you how much I fucking love it when an artist that I like who's not tattooing me, comments on a tattoo photo of mine, and is like, I love this. This is beautiful. And I'm like, thanks. I feel so cool and excellent. It's so great. One of the tattoos that I got that I didn't have last time, I will show it on the screen to you guys is my red shirt lady. This is so hard to see on here. I love her, my red shirt. I love her too. She's the best I got her because the character that I played in plan nine finally died. We finally killed her off. And I was like, I'm getting this tattoo of this character. It means a lot to me. And I think it's hilarious when people are like, what's this tattoo? And I'm like, It's me. I got a tattoo of myself, just so, you know, people are like, What the fuck yeah, I've gotten a ton of tattoos. I had a big list that I worked down, and now I've only got a couple on there. But, yeah, I really took my own skin into my own hands. Also, you know what I do now? Moisturize. I moisturize, yeah, and I wear so much more sunscreen because I'm so aware of I spent $1,000 on this. I'm fucking covering it like so that has been also a thing that

Ansel Burch 12:03

whatever it takes to trick yourself into self care, for real, for real,

Erin Cline 12:09

bring that into 2025, whatever you have to trick yourself into self care, you should fucking do it. And also, the one that I got on my stomach is not visible. It's covered by like, three layers of clothing. But it is the it's a woman riding a alligator, like old school carnival poster style, but she's wearing Marty mcfly's outfit from the third Back to the Future movie, the red girl, futuristic one that's like, purple and pink. I sent it to my artist, and was like, Can you do this? And she was like, Yeah, I can fucking do this. So get a big old secret, Back to the Future tattoo on my stomach now. So yes, good observation. I have gotten just a truly excruciating number of tattoos. I would say,

Ben Silverio 12:48

when you sent me the picture of the the Marty one, I was just like, yes, yes.

Erin Cline 12:54

So good. We did it in a one shot too. And she I walked in, and she was like, I'm pretty sure we can do this in a one shot. And I was like, I told her first I was like, I didn't bring enough money for a one shot, but I will, like, venue mo you. And she was like, I trust you. I've seen you come in and get a million tattoos at this point. She was there every day. I got my back done too. And so she was like, yeah, if you can do it, you can sit through it, whatever. Just send me money however you want. And it took us, like, four and a half hours and the last 30 minutes. She was like, This is it. This is the last one. And I was like, do it. I'm if I have to come back here again, I'm gonna lose my fucking mind. Like, just do it. We got to band, and I was like, I was like, shaky, and was like, I need to eat something. I'm so tired. But yes, it was awesome. I'm glad that I did it. I'm glad that I now have this, like, super cool. Back to the Future tattoo Anyway, yes, that's how I've been covering myself in tattoos.

Ben Silverio 13:46

Yes, they all look incredible. Thank you. All right, now that we are properly reunited, yay. And so happy to be here for your listening pleasure. Let's get down to business a little bit. Yeah, you know, did you feel

Erin Cline 14:05

Be a man? Everybody,

Ben Silverio 14:08


Ansel Burch 14:10

if that's your thing, 2025 Be

Erin Cline 14:12

a man. I guess.

Ben Silverio 14:14

Be a man. I guess, like we should

Ansel Burch 14:22

that's gonna be next. That's, there's our first sticker.

Unknown Speaker 14:24

There it is. Be a man, I

Unknown Speaker 14:26

guess. I guess.

Ben Silverio 14:29

All right, this month in celebration of us, I guess. But also in celebration of this movie, because we celebrated all the goddamn time. In fact, it just celebrated last year its 35th anniversary. Wild that makes

Erin Cline 14:50

me feel ill. It came out two years after I was four.

Ben Silverio 14:58

It came out the year I was. Born? Oh, well,

Ansel Burch 15:02

it was pretending to be the year I was born.

Erin Cline 15:08

So you got the first movie,

Ben Silverio 15:11

deeply ingrained in this movie. This movie is, of course, Back to the Future Part Two, the incredible time romp from Robert domes and Bob Gale. Oh God. There's so many things that have been said about this movie, and they should all be great

Erin Cline 15:35

again. If you don't like this movie, you're wrong, straight up.

Ben Silverio 15:39

So wrong. And if you don't know about this movie, our friends at IMDb describe it like this, after visiting 2015 Marty McFly must repeat his visit to 1955 to prevent disastrous changes to 1985 without interfering with his first trip. Yeah, that's Wow. That's

Erin Cline 16:01

a that's the most boiled down explanation I've ever heard of that movie,

Ben Silverio 16:06

right? They really, they really get it down, right? They

Erin Cline 16:09

were like, we can't explain this.

Ansel Burch 16:12

It's not wrong. Passionless.

Ben Silverio 16:17

Thanks, AI. I mean, yeah, probably a person wrote this.

Erin Cline 16:22

But the long and short, I was gonna say the long and short of this movie is that the original one was about how you had to have feelings for people and materialism didn't matter. And the second one is about how all you should care about is capitalism.

Ben Silverio 16:37

That's how it is. I mean, that's, that's

Erin Cline 16:42

the message, though. Right at the end of the big first one, he gets this, like, big truck, and he's like, Whoa, this is crazy. This is what I wanted. But I've learned how to connect with these people. And then the second one, it's like, here's all the shit you wanted. Bye,

Ben Silverio 16:57

yeah? Like, you shouldn't interfere in your own future. Yeah. And then what do

Erin Cline 17:05

they do? Who wouldn't I? Would I don't? I mean saying I don't. I mean saying Biff did nothing wrong is not the right way to put it, but like, Who among us who wouldn't an old version of yourself shows up and is like, Hey, you want to make a bunch of fucking money? I'd be like, yeah, Aaron, I do

Ansel Burch 17:22

it almost feels irresponsible to your family and loved ones not to take an opportunity like that. Like, that's maybe that's a sign of where I am in my adulthood journey. But like, Man, if I could solve all of these problems, right?

Erin Cline 17:36

And, like, here's the whole thing, right? You'd be smart about it. You wouldn't let people know that you're, like, playing Magic basically, like that. It's, yeah, that's the thing, right? Is that Biff is corrupted by his own bullshit and like, but I would love to, like, you know, pay off my debt, get some really nice outfits maybe, and then that's it. And then burn it. Maybe I would burn it

Ansel Burch 18:03

afterwards. I feel like also if, if it were us today, doing the same gamut, it wouldn't be sports betting, because that feels gross, yeah, but like I would steal money from the stock market 1,000,000,000%

Erin Cline 18:15

that's true. I would also do that

Ben Silverio 18:19

totally. That's the play, yeah, yep. Or just, you know, rob banks. Let's especially

Ansel Burch 18:26

given in the Back to the Future universe. When you change something, the material thing changes. So like, even if you change the course of the future, your stock, you know, tracking, book or whatever is going to update itself. That's what a brilliant thing to have written into the continuity of this universe.

Erin Cline 18:47

It's the continuity is not always clean, but there are a lot of thoughtful things about the continuity in this movie, which is nice. All right,

Ben Silverio 18:56

so we here at Time to party like to give some party favors, if you will, so that you can jump back into the movie or watch for the first time, with some added goodies, if you want. You know, giving you some juice, yes. So, as we like to do here on time party, we have some drinking and smoking rules for you to apply to your viewing those. Back to the Future Part Two, oh, like we like to say here, you know, you don't have to. We're

Erin Cline 19:28

not doctors, yes, we're also not the stage managers of your life. You can do whatever you want. You can have any kind of drink, right? That's fine. If

Ben Silverio 19:36

you want to have an apple juice, go for it. Uh huh. 100%

Ansel Burch 19:41

and hey, if you want to do all of the rules, do it with water. You'll be the most hydrated you've ever been, absolutely 100%

Erin Cline 19:49

that's how I run it now.

Ben Silverio 19:52

All right, I guess I'll kick it off. Yeah, give us your first rule is. Is take a drink when an actor shares a scene with themselves,

Ansel Burch 20:06

that's a good that's one of mine. That's

Erin Cline 20:08

a really good one. I didn't even think about that.

Ben Silverio 20:11

A good amount. It does happen again. Not enough that it's like, kill you played out like it's still fun.

Erin Cline 20:17

Yeah, I like that. There's because there's several, right? There's there's Jennifer, there's Marty, there's Biff, obviously

Ben Silverio 20:27

do, and there's one with Doc. Oh, that's right,

Erin Cline 20:29

I forgot about that, that they were in the same place. Oh, wow,

Ben Silverio 20:33

you must be conducting a weather experiment. Yeah, that's right. I truly

Erin Cline 20:37

didn't even think about that. I was like, this is just a normal part of this. La, la, la, but us. Oh, duh, dipshit. That's a really good one. I like that one a lot. Okay, this is, this is basically a freebie to people who complain about this movie. Take a drink every time you are deeply confused by the timeline. It's okay. That's fine, that's okay. You're allowed. Yeah, it's me as someone who loves this fucking movie. I also am sometimes I'm like, what time is? Yes, the scene outside the dance where they're like, by the stairs and they're trying to get the fucking thing, and it's the Ooh, la, la. Just like, Okay, this is confusing. Where are they, who are they going with? How did you get right? Exactly, it's like, why are you in the stairwell? I barely remember this. I mean, I know that they show Lycos in there, but during that continuity scene, I'm always like, What the fuck is happening here? Although it is a great reveal about the Ooh, la, la. I do love that. It's a very smart camera trick even,

Ansel Burch 21:38

yeah, yeah, yeah. The the clever camera tricks in this film especially, are just delightful.

Erin Cline 21:45

I love it. It's such a great movie. It's also, may we just point out, also, it's one of the first movies that did shit like this is like a modern day thing. Like, here's a fun fact that I know, because I'm a psycho. The person who like invented that is Gene Kelly. He was the first person to ever be in a movie with himself that they had to, like green screen it. It's Cover Girl. Was the name of the movie. They had to totally wrap the entire set in gray. Felt because they didn't have green screens yet. And so then he had to do the first first one, and then he had to just do the second one without being able to look at it. And then they cross, cut them together. And that's the first time that anyone has ever done that on screen. And so to see it done like at this scale in the 80s, is just so fucking cool. It's so cool to see it done so continuously throughout all of this, and to see the way that they it's the same. I mean, it's the same thing, right? They pull everything to the table. They do go back and forth about it like I just think it rules. And that's just a happy fact that I have to show because I'm obsessed with Gene Kelly. That's so dope. He was the best. Thank you for absolutely happy to share Gene Kelly information at literally the drop of a hat.

Ben Silverio 22:56

Do you know his favorite color?

Erin Cline 22:58

I don't know his favorite color. I'm gonna guess that it was probably green because he's black Irish and has green eyes. So that's fine. I you know what? Now I want to know, so I'm gonna have to fucking look it up. I'm gonna find it. I'm gonna have to email his third wife and be like, by the way, do you know? Do I have? Yes, have I ever actually emailed her? Not yet. We'll see one day it'll come. Maybe this is the excuse I gotta email everybody. Like, listen, I was on a podcast, and they asked me what his and they asked me what his favorite color was, and I don't have an answer, and I'm gonna need you to hook

Ansel Burch 23:26

me up with the fucking answer. We gotta get this on the record.

Erin Cline 23:29

Let's go. Come on, Patricia, I got questions.

Ansel Burch 23:38

My first rule is take a drink every time the hoverboard comes out. Oh,

Erin Cline 23:42

that's a good idea, just the one hoverboard. Or do the other hover? Any hoverboard?

Ansel Burch 23:46

Yeah. Do you take? Ooh, I, you know, I'm, I was only thinking of the Mattel hoverboard. But honestly, any hoverboard is a good answer, because they've got

Erin Cline 23:55

what they're like. Oh, do you

Ben Silverio 23:56

see this? That's Jesus. This was a key chain from Universal Studios to promote Back To The Future of the ride. Hell yeah, I love this thing.

Erin Cline 24:09

Wow, that's a good one. I love them hover boards. There's

Ben Silverio 24:13

also, if you want to know more about Back To The Future of the ride, go back and listen to our past episode about bang of the future. I

Erin Cline 24:22

definitely had a moment where I was doing my edutainment and was like, I hope this isn't what I did for the last one. There was this moment of like, oh, I might have already done this, I don't know. And so I just picked something wildly different, and now maybe that'll be the one that I did before. So anyway, we'll find out together. Do Yeah,

Ben Silverio 24:43

it's okay if it happens for a second time. It's just deja vu, right?

Erin Cline 24:46

Exactly, much like this movie. How appropriate to be like, Didn't I already see this?

Ben Silverio 24:54

So we here at Time to party, pay our respects in mid. Instances, and in many ways. One way is by taking a shot for someone or something that's awesome,

Erin Cline 25:07

just anything throughout the whole movie.

Ben Silverio 25:11

No, no. So many shots, so many shots. Just do shots, whatever. Just line them up. Yeah, just take one whenever Marty speaks. That's no but you should take a shot. I actually have two. I have two shot rules, actually. So the first one, all right, dude is for, all right, for a true MVP of the entire franchise, and that is Alan Silvestri, the composer, because the score goes so hard, it's so in all three of these movies. But like, there's just something about the second one that I like, really love. You know, it's hard

Ansel Burch 25:58

to really like drives the movie, yeah, much like there's so much energy in the score for this, so

Erin Cline 26:04

good at at world building and like scene setting, like, you know, pretty quickly what era you're in, because of the music that's playing and the way that like it interacts with this, the like environment around it. He just did such a fucking good job.

Ben Silverio 26:22

Oh, yes, and my second shot rule is for someone who did not get the respect he deserved while these movies were being made, but due to his contributions, it kind of laid the groundwork for what Hollywood is fighting for right now in terms of AI, so I think we need to take a shot for Crispin Glover, yes.

Erin Cline 26:47

Crispin Glover, man, I've been on that since I was like a child. He changed the industry. You I like have no words for it. I just cannot believe that he actually managed to go up against a company and like, and really take it to him and be like, No, you actually don't get to use my image without paying me. And also, you never get to do that to anyone else ever fucking again. Like, yeah, mad respect. And it fucked up his career too. Like it did truly and sincerely ruin his fucking career, and he's still super highly remembered. People love him. He was in fucking Charlie's Angels, and was super fucking good in it. Like, I remember when he when he was in Charlie's Angels, and he showed up on the screen, and it was like, Oh my fucking god. Christopher Crispin, Glover,

Ansel Burch 27:38

resistance, actual Glover. It was wild. It was

Erin Cline 27:41

just like, Oh, fuck. And he's being all creepy with the hair or whatever. And it's just like, I'm so happy to see you. I'm so glad that your blacklist wasn't forever. Like he truly, I cannot say enough that absolutely You're right. He fucking crushed it. He changed the industry forever.

Ben Silverio 27:58

We talk about problematic faves sometimes, right? And, like, Sure, Zemeckis and Bob Gale are incredible for what they created with back the future. And obviously we really love it. But then, you know, for them to also do this to crisp and Glover, you know, is was kind of a dick move.

Erin Cline 28:15

And it's also hard too, because, right? They, like, I kind of get it from their side. They barely use that character. It doesn't really make a huge difference. They could have just removed it, to be honest. But like,

Unknown Speaker 28:29

Yeah, you can't

Ansel Burch 28:31

use a different fucking

Erin Cline 28:32

person like that. That's what they wound up having to do. Like, I just don't understand how your first thought isn't just recast it, just fucking recast it. Jennifer got recast between one and two. They'll accept it. So people will just fucking accept it like, yep, man, this movie too. Introduction of Jennifer, too superior. Jennifer, I'll say it. I don't care she's the better. Jennifer first. Jennifer was fine, but you know what? For a trilogy. This Jennifer's so much better. The first Jennifer would have been boring. This one excellent. I don't want to see first Jennifer confused about why the lights in her house are going on. This one nailed it. End up.

Ansel Burch 29:16

Anyway, that argument. No, that's good. I love that argument. I'm right.

Ben Silverio 29:24

Yeah, right. And you should say I am

Erin Cline 29:26

all right. Okay, so your two shot rules were Alan, soveresty, Alan, Alan service, oh, my god,

Ansel Burch 29:34

Alan and Crispin for Al, yep,

Erin Cline 29:37

my daughter was like, that word's not coming out, honey,

okay, all right, my turn now. Okay, take a drink every time Marty zips up his red puffer vest. It doesn't happen super often, but it's one of those things that that is, what that movie is, to me, is where he's just like, sure. All right, here we go. Business exactly, is business fast? I love

Ansel Burch 30:04

that. That's such a good little observation of like a character choice from Yeah, love it.

Erin Cline 30:12

Yes, beautiful. Yay, beautiful. All right, Ansel, you're next.

Ansel Burch 30:16

Take a drink for every brand placement

Speaker 2 30:19

I had a very similar one. Me too.

Ansel Burch 30:25

This movie is famous for absolutely selling out in a few different spots, but I don't think that we appreciate the true magnitude of the brand placement that happens in this movie. So much of it. Keep your eyes open. There's a

Erin Cline 30:41

lot, so much of it. The one that I wrote down was a finish your drink. Actually finish your drink when you notice the raisins product placement. Because that was the one they were the maddest about. After the first movie, they were like, you just gave us product placement with a bum on a bench. Well, Give us our money back. And so then and so in the second one, they like, actually have to make a make like, an effort to put the raisins in there. So if you notice that that one finish your drink. But I love that it's such a good product. Yes, the product placement is such a You're so right? It's such a huge part of this movie. And you know what? For the record, for what it's worth, there's so much of it, and it's spread out through so much of the movie that it doesn't really even seem that weird. It doesn't really even feel like they're forcing all of it. It fades into the background Exactly. It totally part of the scenery.

Ansel Burch 31:27

I think it almost works in the movies favor as well, because of how important brands have become throughout the actual time that this movie covers absolutely, you know, from 1985 to 2015 brand placement, brand awareness, brand like superiority or dominance has has only grown. We do see more and more product placement in our daily lives. We do wear more and more branded shit, voluntarily advertising for things that we maybe only kind of like because the t shirt is cool and it's, I think it is in its favor that they a, I mean, sure, they took a bunch of money for it, and that's whatever, Like, get the bag, whatever, in reality. Like, yeah, that that's, that's a thing that happened, yeah?

Erin Cline 32:25

Cuz, like, the another, like, weird trivia piece that I know, like, the first real product placement in our, like, today age, the way that you're, that we're talking about it right now, is fucking et it was Steven Spielberg. It was the Reese's Pieces. He was the first one to really do that, which is part of why people reached out to him about Back to the Future. Because it's like, well, you know how to do this. You're clearly like, you can make this happen. And so when they shit on the California Raisins like that, it was even more of a bomb, because they were like, we know you can do this. The hell, right? That's a very I wonder if it's

Ansel Burch 33:04

because the California Raisins like, low balled them. Yeah. I mean, this is all you

Erin Cline 33:07

paid. I don't know. I've heard that they like, part of the reason they were so pissed is they were like, we paid you the same money as Pepsi. Why? Why are we on a bench? Oh, which. Yeah, that's very different levels.

Ben Silverio 33:19

Yeah, man, in 2015 when they were having this celebration for Back to the Future, and they were releasing, like, all the things, like the issue of USA Today, and like the Nikes and all that, the one thing I wanted out of all of that was a Pepsi perfect. And they were, I guess

Erin Cline 33:42

you're just keeping bottle. You're not actually going to

Ben Silverio 33:43

drink possible, right? Exactly. I

Ansel Burch 33:48

Right now a Pepsi perfect water bottle. Like, if I could get that, like, because it's a classy shape, like, that bullet shape with the like, twist off top. Like, that's I was, I saw it today when I was re watching little recaps, and I was like, Man, that is a nice design. They

Ben Silverio 34:06

did make Pepsi perfect water bottles. I believe it was in like a, like a blind box, like subscription thing at the time, you know, like a Loot Crate type thing, yeah. But like I did. I didn't get it. I don't remember why. I mean, those things were expensive, like those subscription boxes, you know,

Ansel Burch 34:28

oh my god, I can't wait. How long i Holy

Erin Cline 34:30

shit. How much do you think a Pepsi perfect, Back to the Future bottle is? Just take a guess, hundreds, $500 not quite that much, but you're in the right direction. The

Ansel Burch 34:43

one on eBay, yeah, $300 Yeah, that tracks.

Erin Cline 34:51

I was immediately, until I was like, How can we get these water bottles? Let

Ansel Burch 34:56

me I did find you can get from a website called just geek. They. Selling one for 25 got the right vibe. Ooh,

Erin Cline 35:05

that's fun. Yeah, there are, but there are a handful of them on eBay, but they are expensive. Yeah, holy cow.

Ben Silverio 35:13

I did also enter the the drawing to be selected to buy the the the Nike hyper dunks. So they weren't the actual shoes that Marty wore, but they were a style of sneaker that Coby was wearing at the time that had the the colorway. Because the actual shoes, the self tying Nike mags, they only made, like, a handful of them, and they sold them for charity, and the money went to the Michael J Fox Foundation. So those were, like, 1000s of dollars. I did see a pair in person at a shoe store in Vegas, and they look cool as hell. Yeah,

Erin Cline 35:58

I've only seen them in person once. I was like, I want these so bad.

Ben Silverio 36:04

I'm not a sneaker person, but I just, I want them.

Ansel Burch 36:06

You're Back to the Future person that absolutely supersedes, yeah, yes, my last

Ben Silverio 36:11

rule is take a hit whenever Biff incorrectly phrases a popular saying, because you want to hit him in the face. So, you know,

Erin Cline 36:24

like that one a

Ben Silverio 36:26

lot. Yes, originally was taken when you want to hit Biff in the face, but you know this,

Erin Cline 36:34

this actually you're gonna hit him

Ansel Burch 36:37

in the face irresponsibly high. Yeah,

Erin Cline 36:38

it's true. Grab a loaf of bread and hard hammer throw right across the face. That's not a deadly weapon. That? That is a question that I'll ask people as like an icebreaker, like, if you given no repercussions whatsoever, if you could take a giant baguette and just crack someone in the face with it, who would you pick?

Ben Silverio 37:01

How many days old is the baguette old

Erin Cline 37:03

enough to hurt? Okay? It doesn't just bend around their face. It's like a punishment.

Ben Silverio 37:09

Okay, okay. I mean, given what's going on today, I can think of one person

Erin Cline 37:13

I know, right? But that's not enough. Punishment

Ansel Burch 37:19

has to fit the crime. Yeah,

Erin Cline 37:22

it's like, a it's a low level. I'm so irritated with this person, I just want to whack him in the face with a loaf of bread. Even the thought, right? Satisfying. It's super satisfying.

Ansel Burch 37:34

It's it's easy to produce a long list of people where you're like, I'd find that, yeah, you'd know what you did. Yes, know what you did?

Erin Cline 37:42

I don't even have to tell you why. I'm hitting you in the face. You're just getting straight baguette right to the mouth, like that's, you know what you did,

Ben Silverio 37:50

straight baguette, right?

Erin Cline 37:57

Who I am as a person,

Ben Silverio 37:59

yeah, I love it, all right, yep, we love that kind of energy. Big fan,

Erin Cline 38:05

Aaron, you got one more? Okay, let's see, I have, I do have that one. You know what? I'm gonna save that one because that's for later. Okay, let's see, yes, I do have, I have a drink when, sort of like Ben was just talking about, take a drink, of your choice of how large it is every time you go, wow, this is too similar to today. That's it.

Ansel Burch 38:30

Yes, that's it. Oh, man, that Devil's one. I

Unknown Speaker 38:35

see we're all on the same

Ansel Burch 38:40

page here. Uh huh. Take a drink every time you see something that's kind of almost right. Oh no.

Ben Silverio 38:48

I like that one a lot, yeah. Like the Cubs fucking up and not getting it in 2015 but a couple years later,

Erin Cline 38:56

the fact that they fucking wanted it all, it was like Back to the Future. Did this. They're the ones that created this problem.

Ben Silverio 39:02

And to be fair, they did adjust continuity with that short Doc Brown saves the universe by saying, you know, after changes are made the universe, it might take a little while for them to catch up, right? So, like it makes sense. It's canon. Whatever.

Erin Cline 39:24

It's not. The short is

Ben Silverio 39:26

real goofy, because it's just Doc Brown in a white room with a DeLorean. So it's just

Erin Cline 39:32

fucking love Christopher Lloyd. I also love the bit about in this movie where he's like, peeling the face mask off, and he's like, oh yes. Added, like, 10 years to my life turned out to be true about Christopher Lloyd, who just looked the same fucking forever. Like, wow, put a wig on him. He looks fucking the same.

Ben Silverio 39:51

Did an action movie. Like,

Erin Cline 39:55

that's like, insane. Like, because that he was a nobody, right? The one. With Bob owning Burch, like, right? I watched that movie with my, oh, that movie was so good, fucking good. It was so good. I watched it with my husband and his cousins and their kids. We were visiting them in Kentucky, and we had this, like, huge outdoor screen, because it's Kentucky, and there's, like, a, there's a ton of everyone has a backyard the size of a fucking football field. And so they, they set up this, like, huge screen, we're watching it. And we were like, This is gonna be a silly movie with Bob Odenkirk. And it started, and we were like, first of all, sick. This is not what we were expecting. And then we got to watch on this huge screen. And we were just like, and then Christopher Lloyd came out, and I lost my shit, lost my shit, and my my husband was like, Oh God, here we go. And everyone else was like, right? Is that this fuck of Craig saying? Like, yes, it is. I cannot believe he was in. It was so good. It was such a good movie. Have you seen nobody Ben

Ben Silverio 40:52

or I have not. I've been meaning to watch it, and I know there's a sequel, so I definitely need to catch up.

Ansel Burch 40:58

Wait, when you get to it. It'll be an absolute treat for you. I'm, I'm

Ben Silverio 41:02

looking forward to watching that and Selma, that action movie with June Squibb. I haven't watched that one yet. Yeah, I'd seen that one. Definitely got to watch that one. But, you know, June Squibb is, uh, phenomenal. I love that. She's getting her flowers finally, hell yeah, after a long career, super long. Wow. Yeah,

Ansel Burch 41:24

did I hear Aaron still got a copy? I always have a lightning round go for it.

Erin Cline 41:29

Always me. Okay, let's see if you want to do a drink. That's an easy one, and you just want a simple rule, take a drink every time there's a time jump. That's an easy one to just be like, I only want one or two rules, like, that's a super easy one that you can do. And then I have smoking rules. Obviously, take a hit every time you notice, not necessarily the scene where they happen, but every time you notice Marty's sick ass shoes. Every time you're like, you just dope those shoes. Look cool there. Take a hit because they are awesome. They're great. They're super cool shoes, okay? And then, sort of like I was talking about earlier, you should take a hit when anyone, someone, anytime someone, is confused about their surroundings. You two can be confused. Sort of fits in with the in the same scene. But I was like, that's in there. I think that's a good hit one. And that's it. That's all my rules.

Ansel Burch 42:20

Cool. I was tempted to do every time you see somebody wearing hollow fabric. So feel, feel free to throw that one in as I like

Ben Silverio 42:29

rule in your and another like really easy. One is take a drink every time Marty says something's heavy. Do

Erin Cline 42:36

you want to die? Cool? It's pretty good. Okay, that's fine.

Ben Silverio 42:48

All right. There we have it. There are your drinking and smoking rules for Back to the Future. Part two. You could watch this movie in so many places. You should own it. Just go buy it, get

Erin Cline 43:03

all the things. Buy it physically, because streaming is a lie and a scam. It's

Ben Silverio 43:07

true. If you want to join the conversation, you could find us on the internet. I'm at B Sylvia 20 on Instagram, X, I guess, and letter boxed. You know, who knows what social media were on it anymore. You can

Erin Cline 43:22

find me on the Internet at nydurgency on Instagram, and that's it. And that we'll see about that. When will there be an Instagram replacement? That's what I would like to know blue Sky's working on it. I know I saw that one, and I'm like, All right, I love you, blue sky. Don't you fuck this up? Yeah,

Ben Silverio 43:37

right. Don't mess up.

Ansel Burch 43:42

I don't know that they've earned my trust just yet, but I'll take it. I'll take it. I've

Erin Cline 43:46

been at Blue Sky a minute.

Ansel Burch 43:50

Me too. You can find me on blue sky at the indecisionist, as well as on all of the meta properties at the same handle the indecisionist. This has been an indecisionist production. Special. Thanks to April muralba for our podcast art, and to Marlon longit of Marlon and the shakes for our amazing theme song. And

Ben Silverio 44:08

if you're still on a social media platform that still uses hashtags, you can use the hashtag time two party. That's time the number two party as

Ansel Burch 44:18

well as time the number two party, all spelled out. Thanks to Warwick.

Ben Silverio 44:25

I love that bit. That bit's gonna stay around until we're not using hashtags anymore, just like how I refuse to let boomerangs die. I don't want this bit to die.

Erin Cline 44:39

I've never really used boomerangs, and I used them for the first time on a family trip with my sister. And I was like, That's it. That's the one and done of the boomerang. That's

Ansel Burch 44:49

as good as that's gonna get. I executed

Erin Cline 44:50

this perfectly. No need to try again.

Ben Silverio 44:54

I'm told that the youths no longer use them. And I'm just like, I don't believe you. I thought

Ansel Burch 44:59

they I thought. They were gone, it was still a thing you could do.

Erin Cline 45:02

The youths are crazy there. I don't understand. I don't understand. I have a youth as a sister, a lawless bunch, right? And, like, I mean, I don't want to get into this particularly, but, like, the Tick Tock stuff is crazy. But also, like, that is a generation, like, my sister is younger than that generation, and never use tick tock. Loves Snapchat. Still, that's a thing that has kept on. I get it, it feels it feels more private,

Ben Silverio 45:31

truly insane as we go through these insane times and enter the 2015, event, Future Part Two, come back as we review this delightful movie with the delightful Aaron Klein party people, while you go through your week and try to survive, we hope you do and we hope you join us, and we hope that You be excellent to

Speaker 1 45:56

each other. Party on dudes, yeah, duh.

Speaker 2 0:40



Back to the Future II Part 2


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