Press Play Bonus Episode
Don Shanahan, Ben Silverio, and Ansel Burch are pop culture observers/ content creators/ excellent friends who are making sure that every track of our playlist is a banger.
We’re not perfect, not that you thought so. That said, here’s some supporting evidence and a few touching stories into the bargain.
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Don Shanahan is @CasablancaDon across the socialverse and you can catch his show Cinephile Hissy Fit wherever fine podcasts are downloaded. find more of Don’s work at
Ben Silverio is @BSilverio20 on Instagram, X, Threads, Blusky, and Hive.
Ansel Burch is @TheIndecisionist on IG, Facebook, Yowsa, Blusky, Reddit, and Threads.
Check out Ansel’s new TTRPG, Cards!
Check out Ansel’s new time travel actual play podcast, For the Time Being!
Next week we’re kicking off April with a drinking and smoking game for the 2023 movie, River. Matt Donato joined us for this amazing conversation, and you do not want to miss it. Until then, make sure you’re subscribed, because it’s always #Time2Party
Ben Silverio 0:05
Hey, I'm Ben Silverio.
Don Shanahan 0:07
I'm Don Shanahan, and
Ansel Burch 0:09
I'm Ansel Burch, and it's
Speaker 1 0:11
time to party.
Ansel Burch 0:14
We're not doctors. We don't give medical advice. Please drink responsibly. Today's episode was recorded on March 2, 2025,
Don Shanahan 0:24
time to party, but I'll fuck it up. No one
Ansel Burch 0:27
can. No one ever has it's okay.
Don Shanahan 0:30
I'm glad you stitched it together. It sounds great every time you do it. Ansel, because I listen to the episodes like, wow, they really nailed it. And I'm like, Oh no, there's a chance they never know what. Yeah,
Ansel Burch 0:42
we fixed it in post. Yeah, even
Ben Silverio 0:44
when we're doing it in the same room, I don't sure get it. Oh, gosh, that's funny. We got it once
Ansel Burch 0:49
we did when we were in the same room once. Yeah, it was, it was Helena, it was the second of the three. And something happened that I had to use one of the other recordings anyway. There was like a noise in the background. I'm not remembering perfectly now, but yeah, there was like a noise in the background. So I was like, Ah, fuck. Just had to copy out another take from an earlier recording
Ben Silverio 1:22
with you two fine gentlemen, being slightly older than me, I'm wondering if you made actual mix tapes, because I love the idea of and the imagery of mix tapes, but I only got to make mixed CDs and playlists. I never used the actual tape. I had mix tapes from, like, cousins and stuff. But, like, yeah, did you two actually make the actual mix tape?
Don Shanahan 1:48
I I'll say, I'll go first. I did I have my high school sweethearts mixtape, still to this day, in a box somewhere? Wow, oh, yeah. So that'd be like, let's see here. 93 No, yeah, 9495 ish, so, like, all for one, I swear, you know, like, those 90 Slow Jams are in there. She was a country fan, so we have a little Tracy Burch keeper the stars. And, like, we're, there's, there's a range, but, oh yeah, I made that tape labeled it all up. Like, absolutely, did I do that? But, yeah, to see it progress to burning CDs, and you're still kind of trying to write in a circle on that damn CD, like, Oh no, it we still did. We still did absolutely, but oh, I have my, I have my one really good OG mix tape somewhere. I somewhere it's up here. But yeah,
Ansel Burch 2:34
did you have the cross recorder, like they used in this? Or did you have to play on one machine and record on the,
Don Shanahan 2:43
I think I had a two deck CD boom box at that point, not like the get a blast, your big boy, but something that was still set top, you know, no wider than a laptop, but it still had to where I could and get, I can get the job done. Yeah?
Ansel Burch 2:56
Okay, nice, nice. Nice, nice. Okay, I did not, no, I so I was not cool enough to be hip on the music scene until college, easily. Oh, okay, my tunes Redux opened up the music world to me greatly, which was in the early 2000s iTunes was king, and my tunes Redux allowed you to share music with anyone on the same network, yes, which meant our entire college became one giant file share that peer to peer. Wow. So yeah, I Oh, I had so much, so much music starting freshman year, and so I did like playlists in college, but yeah, no mixtapes. I was just too much of a, too much of a dweeb, I think. Plus, I did live in Southeast Ohio, which is effectively the past,
Don Shanahan 3:48
yeah, so they don't make mix LPs, yeah, right, yeah. I picture the scene for, like, the
Ben Silverio 3:55
King speech, where Jeffrey
Don Shanahan 3:58
Wright is trying to, you know, Jeffrey Wright is trying to, you know, Jeffrey Rush is trying to make a record for the king, you know, like, it's gonna be that scene. Ansel over here, just jamming out like baby, just you wait, it's gonna be a good one.
Ben Silverio 4:11
Bringing you back to press play, I did want to point out that one of my, one of my mixtape staples, and I'll say mixtape, even though, I mean mix CD, sure says, because, like, for the first half of college, it was still on a CD. And then eventually I was just like, Oh, what if I get a flash drive instead? And like, and then I was like, decorate the case to look like a tape or, you know, I got a little creative with it. But one of the songs that I used was by an artist featured in the movie Kena Grannis, okay, it's hard to be human. Was on Laura and Harrison's mixtape. Kina Grannis, you may also know from Crazy Rich Asians, because she sings, I can't help falling in love with you during the wedding. Oh, that's uncovered, but. I first saw her on YouTube in the Asian American YouTube community, and she would play colleges and things, and she had this great song called Valentine. And I just had the biggest crush on her, but since obviously she wasn't gonna date me, I used her songs on mix tapes for other girls, there you go.
Don Shanahan 5:22
Works every time. Let me say, yeah. I mean,
Ben Silverio 5:24
oh yeah, they didn't work every time. But
Don Shanahan 5:29
I've stolen a box in my room up here. Good point. Somebody else,
Ben Silverio 5:33
I am still terribly single, uh, whereas you two gentlemen are happily married with lovely wives. So
Ansel Burch 5:40
we did get lucky in that regard. Yeah, a mixtape did not come into play for me. I don't know about you, Don
Don Shanahan 5:46
Oh, with this, with my current marriage, our tie for music was, she was addicted to country music radio and stuff like that. She's still a country music Well, we both have kind of faded from country, because country's gotten very pop. But um, for a while there, when we were dating, the radio station in town is us, 99 music and all that. And they would do these concerts for like, user listeners. And it was early Internet where, like, if you just show up to like, a bar for, like, one of those remote things that a DJ was doing, like, you could win a trivia question and get tickets to a show. And it was always like, Joe's Bar and weed street downtown Chicago, some kind of standing room only concert and stuff like that. So for the year we were dating, we must have went to because we were just really successful with going to bars and getting free tickets from radio stations. We probably went to five, six concerts in a year. And it was always like small venue, good act stuff, where most of them were at Joe's Bar and wheat Street, which is a standing room only great venue in Chicago. Excellent wrestling also, yes, so, we, we kind of bonded over, just like the pursuit and chase of like, getting these tickets, but then going to the concerts and having a great time and and we ended, I asked her to marry me at one of those concerts. So we went to here. Small story. You can edit this out if you have to. Worst case, it'll end up in episode four, our song became fallen to me by Sugar Land and and it's the song we played at our dance, at our wedding. But before we got married, it was kind of our song anyway. And we went to a Sugar Land concert, and again, one of those ones where we won tickets and got there and stuff like that. And my wife was just so stoked that we're going to the concert of the that has our song, right. And at the show, she caught a guitar pick from, you know, one of the, one of the moments in the show where you tossing guitar picks, and my wife is, like, five foot two, where she's not catching anything but a cold, but she got a tar pit. And, um, later in the night, I had the ring in my pocket the whole time because I was planning on doing this for months and going to be at this show. And I said, later in the night, I said, Hey, I got something better in a guitar pick, pull out the ring. And she's like, Are you kidding me? And so at Joe's Bar and weed Street, we got engaged, which we, I mean, we have not been to a concert since, you know, but because we're and that one's everything's, you know, we're standing too long. It's too fucking loud, like we can't go to a concert at all now. But we for a year, we were, we were pretending to be young, and we had a good time. So that was our bonding of music was through concerts crazy enough, and our kids would hear that now and be like, No, mommy, daddy, you don't you guys don't go out and do that. You say music's too loud. I'm like, Yeah, we kind of do. So it would be a story for another day for our children, but they wouldn't believe it if we told
Ben Silverio 8:16
that's incredible. Ansel, do you and tab have like, a song, or Has your relationship been an orchestra of music?
Ansel Burch 8:26
It has been an orchestra we we also, early on in our relationship, went to a concert provided by the auspices of a radio we went to a Monsters and Men at the riv, which is pretty good. Yeah, great venue. But our song is actually a little bit embarrassing now, but at the time it was getting a lot of radio play. It was the song that was on in the car for a lot of good conversations going back and forth to things. Was by the plain white teas. It was like, 1231234,
Speaker 1 9:01
yeah, yes. Great song, great, great song. Good, good choice. Yeah,
Ansel Burch 9:05
yeah. So that was our first dance at the wedding, like that was our, oh, that was our song for a lot of our early relationships. See,
Ben Silverio 9:13
everyone remember is, hey there, Delilah, but 1234, I think is the more romantic song,
Speaker 2 9:18
My greater song. Totally agree. Yeah, great choice. So even
Ben Silverio 9:21
though I don't have a significant other to share a story about an our song, I do have a story about a loved one and how music relates. And this kind of ties back to Cooper's situation, because Danny Glover's character was talking about his wife and her favorite song and how they played it on repeat during her final days of life. Also sorry for bringing bringing the mood down a little bit, but it reminded me of the situation with my grandfather. You know, I live in Glendale, California now, but while I was still in college, you know, he was here at a convalescent home in Glendale. And whenever I. Visit him, I would play him different versions of his favorite song. You'll never walk alone, because there are so many covers of it, right? And so, you know, when I found out that, you know, he wanted to listen to more music and stuff, I would try to accommodate. So when he was declining in health, and I got the call where it was just like, Yeah, we don't know how much longer it'll be. I was the only one of my cousins who was flexible enough in our schedule to, like, fly out immediately. So I came out. I visited with him, I kept the family updated and all that stuff. So one night, it was my two aunts and I, and we were just like, you know, it feels right to just like end on a song. So we sang the benediction, which is like a hymn from church, because my grandfather was very religious. We sang the song, and then we left for the night, and then we ended up being the last members of the family to see him alive, because we got the call the next morning, like, oh, we should get over there. But the power of songs and how they can bring you back to moments and how they mean something to loved ones is like a such a powerful thing. And I think if press Play does anything, well, it's that it really, it really integrates how important music is in a relationship. You know, whether it's romantic or not, I think that that's a big reason why I like movies like this, like like the greatest hits, because I do strongly believe that music is such a powerful force.
Speaker 3 11:40
Again, I see the Oscars up day here.
Ben Silverio 11:45
I tried to think of what the Oscar music was, and then that came out. I don't I know, hey,
Don Shanahan 11:51
you get the dress part.
Ben Silverio 11:59
There, version of that song with the lyrics, Jeff Goldblum bit,
Ansel Burch 12:05
yes, yes, the Jeff Goldblum version. Oh, my God, Jeff goldblums album is too good. The Margaret Setzer orchestra, there's there's one where he does a song with Sarah Silverman, and it is spectacular.
Ben Silverio 12:22
You know, he used to have a standing gig here in LA at this place called, oh my god, Rockwell supper club, or something like that, Rockwell table and stage, something like that. But it closed down a few years ago. And it's unfortunate because, like, it was nice having that regular show to see, to see Jeff Goldblum just play songs.
Ansel Burch 12:47
So, good
Ben Silverio 12:50
man. When I saw him, he played some Cole Porter and, like, killed it nice. So, you know, as as he, as you would expect he would I was
Ansel Burch 12:59
watching a I don't remember who was doing, who was telling the story, but somebody was being interviewed about when they worked as a, oh, it was, it was Brennan Lee Mulligan. He was talking about when he was a PA on law and order. And it was during the run when Jeff Goldblum was one of the detectives, and they had rented out this big venue for this big crowd shot, and they were doing all of the work to prep. And the one rule that the guy had given was like, Do not play the piano. Under no circumstances is anyone to play the piano. And they're all like, hanging lights and moving stuff and getting things set up, and somebody, and they everybody hears this piano starting to go and of course, it's Jeff Goldblum in the middle of the space, just fucking around on the piano, and the guy who owned the venue stormed out. He was like, I told you guys, not the one rule. And Jeff Goldblum turns, oh, man.
Oh. Look up the real story from Lee Mulligan. He tells it much better, but, God, yeah, what a Jeff Goldblum moment. But he's not in this movie.
Ben Silverio 14:12
He's not in this movie where party people. You can find us on the internet. I am at B Silverio 20 on Instagram, letter boxed blue sky, sure, all other stuff
Don Shanahan 14:27
for me, I am the editor in chief and lead critic on film obsessive. My own personal science. Every movie has a lesson. I did talk about the podcast all of a sudden. So send a file, hissy fit podcast, wherever you find your podcast, platforms, social wise, a constant block of down tends to be my handle on Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, blue sky, and
Ansel Burch 14:45
I am at the indecisionist on all the meta properties, as well as blue sky and Yowza and Reddit now, and I haven't mentioned it up until now, but you can also check out my new podcast from indecisionist Productions for the time. Time being, it's an actual play of the game that I designed called Mavericks, so I'm very excited to be bringing it to you, and by the time you hear this episode, we will be two episodes into the first adventure. So go ahead and check that out for the time being, available wherever fine podcasts are downloaded, and this has just like that, been an indecisionist production. Special thanks to April maralba for our podcast art and to Marlon longit of Marlon and the shakes for our amazing theme song.
Ben Silverio 15:31
If you're still using hashtags on anything, you can use the hashtag time two party. That's time the number two party to join the conversation as
Ansel Burch 15:40
well as time the number two party all spelled out, thanks to Warwick. Oh,
Ben Silverio 15:43
boy have we had a great time this month or what like, I cannot wait for whatever new adventures we get into and until we figure out whatever those are. Party people be excellent to each other
Don Shanahan 15:57
and party on dudes.
Ben Silverio 16:00
Words are hard.
Ansel Burch 16:12
Welcome adventurers from across time and space, five creators have been brought together from across the internet for one purpose and one purpose alone, to travel through time and have a good time doing it. When big changes happen to the timeline, the change attracts other time travelers like gravity, they won't be able to move past it until they fix whatever was messed up. So our heroes are stuck together, but only for the time being.
Sarah Moore 16:36
You're saying the secret part out loud.
Stella Cheeks 16:38
Think that she is fine. Okay,
Ben Banks 16:39
because we're you were both screaming. She was screaming. You were also screaming.
Omar Burgos 16:43
And you have brought it here, and you are the one who is effing up the timeline.
Stella Cheeks 16:49
My hand is definitely still a little covered in blood by liquid.
Ansel Burch 16:53
Do you scream when he screams?
Stella Cheeks 16:54
Yeah, absolutely.
Ansel Burch 16:55
For the time being, a new actual play podcast from indecisionist Productions, playing the Mavericks system available wherever fine podcasts are downloaded you.
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