Press Play Part 3

Time 2 Party
Press Play Part 3
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Don Shanahan, Ben Silverio, and Ansel Burch are pop culture observers/ content creators/ excellent friends who are making sure that every track of our playlist is a banger.

By now we hope you’ve watched Press Play. Were you curious about anything you saw in the movie? We’re getting mixtapes/ music in courtship, surfboard wax, and B sides.

Find us online!

Don Shanahan is @CasablancaDon across the socialverse and you can catch his show Cinephile Hissy Fit wherever fine podcasts are downloaded. find more of Don’s work at

Ben Silverio is @BSilverio20 on Instagram, X, Threads, Blusky, and Hive.

Ansel Burch is @TheIndecisionist on IG, Facebook, Yowsa, Blusky, Reddit, and Threads.

Check out Ansel’s new TTRPG, Cards!

Check out Ansel’s new time travel actual play podcast, For the Time Being!

Next week we’re bringing you just a little taste of bonus content before everything kicks back into gear for April’s movie, River with special guest Matt Donato. Until then, make sure you’re subscribed, because it’s always #Time2Party


Ben Silverio 0:06

Hey, I'm Ben Silverio.

Don Shanahan 0:08

I'm Don Shanahan,

Ansel Burch 0:09

and I'm Ansel Burch, and

Ben Silverio 0:10

it's time to party. We

Ansel Burch 0:15

are not doctors. We don't give medical advice. Please drink responsibly. Today's episode was recorded on March 2, 2025,

Jesus Christ

Ben Silverio 0:29

party people, if you're just joining us, this month, we have been talking about press play, delightful, romantic drama, drama.

Don Shanahan 0:42

What? Name a funny part, man. I mean, I'm going to Roman drama, but that's me.

Ben Silverio 0:48

Okay, romantic drama works out. Well, if you don't know, then our good friends at IMDb will let you know a young woman has a chance to save the love of her life when she discovers that the mixtape they made together can transport her back in time. If this sounds delightful for you, you can thank the the wonderful Don Shanahan for bringing this to us. You're welcome. We're so glad to have Don back on the show for for another go around here at Time to party. No.

Don Shanahan 1:24

Thanks for having me. Thanks for diving into this little indie for you again. We've got we keep town in as a great double bill with the greatest hits that you guys have covered. And it really would be for a musical Saturday or Friday night in the couch. I

Ben Silverio 1:38

also need to thank you for sending me the soundtrack of The Greatest Hits final, if

Don Shanahan 1:44

they had it anywhere like but, yeah, The Greatest

Ben Silverio 1:48

Hits has such a great soundtrack, and I was listening to it while I was doing my prep for this. So I do love that album, and I do want you to know that it is regularly being played in my house. There

Don Shanahan 1:59

you go. Sweet. I love it.

Ben Silverio 2:02

But all right, here we are in time to party with our third episode of the month, which means edutainment. I'm sure you can imagine the hand motion that goes with that phrase. We here at Time to party like to you know, as much as we love to entertain, we love to educate. We're always in the pursuit of knowledge for some reason. Well, for Ansel, it's more, you know, functional, because he's a time traveler. Yeah, I'm just doing research, yeah, exactly when we're helping Ansel, which we love to do. And so now we have a professional teacher here with us again. You're making to actually give us something. So,

Don Shanahan 2:44

I mean, Don, would you like to go first? I can. If you're gonna make me go first, I'll do the obvious one. Um, the the inception, or the popularity or the creation of mixtapes. Where the heck did it come from? Uh huh. So the idea of mixtapes, it seems like, when I kind of do the research, that it was definitely kind of part of, like the hip hop culture in the 1970s is kind of where it really got started where, you know, DJs would kind of put their tracks down on cassettes, and kind of, you know, get those things like self curated, self created, pass them around, and, you know, just to kind of get a wider audience for their for their sound, because They weren't, you know, exactly, cutting records and getting recorded. Getting recorded, if they were a small act or a diverse actor over the ethnic act, I guess I should say. But yeah, cassettes were easy like that, because you could record so record so readily and easily, and they're small enough that you can kind of pass them out and do their thing. I think the introduction of the Sony Walkman in 1979 definitely kind of brought the improvements to making this a little bit more mobile than having the big boom boxes and all that. And from what I can tell, it's just you asked this, this Ansel and I last episode, but just like, there's that youth culture of, like, finding your own zone, finding your own music, or just kind of like, you know, What songs did you do you want? You know you're not happy with the radio station, and there's too many commercials where you're going to make a make a list of just your own commercial free for just the songs that you want. Because I feel like with things that you could fast forward a little quicker, we especially CDs. But like, you know, when cassettes kind of moved a little differently, we're more portable than records, and then the even though they don't move as fast as CDs or move as fast as records in terms of skipping songs. But like, we always bought those tapes that we were like, oh, Ireland, I only like these two songs, and I don't like the other eight. But like, so being able to kind of like, kind of chop and screw and kind of get your, you know, get your own kind of set going, was was a fun part to do. And like, it wasn't inaccessible technology. You just need a blank tapes and and two devices, or at least one device. They had the two decks, and you can kind of go kind of go with it a little bit. So it was fun myself to make mixtapes as a kid, or just to make your own things. And once you kind of realize, as you said last episode, also Ben, the power of music and romance, or at least in courtship purposes, you would make mixtapes for friends or for, you know, put. Potential suitors and that sort of thing or and that that just kind of, it was just, it was a cool DIY, personalized thing that would cost, you know, a poor, dumb high school kid with no job and no money. Would cost you nothing but a pair of, you know, a pair of blank tapes and some time. And for that, it was just, it was a pleasure to do. And I think the heyday easily for this, you know, evolution of the mixtapes would be the 80s and 90s, when cassettes were king. And then by the time, and you said it as well, when, once the 90s got here, and CD burners and in three players kind of took over, where CDs obviously were a little easier, a little faster, to kind of make the mixtape that you wanted to make, a little cleaner than a CD as well. And then once mp three players are here, and you just fill the whole thing with hundreds and 1000s of songs, versus where you could the 70 precious minutes, you can hold on SUV, it kind of things blew up and became more more voluminous, so to speak. When, when it's an mp three player, or it's an unlimited playlist that you can build today, you can obviously overfill things with songs, versus the limits you had with a mix tape of like, you only got two sides. You only got, you know, 45 minutes, 70 minutes, like to really kind of put out your best and assemble your best. And I appreciated the kind of the the craftsmanship of of doing it yourself, but at the same time, just that history, like you say it now in it from an edutainment standpoint, and kids these days would look at you like you made what? What does it do? What are you talking about? Like a tape, not just a tape, but the fact that you would sit down and make a mixtape, they would look at you cross site today. So, yeah, it's at a time

Ansel Burch 6:33

scale of one to one as well, like you had to listen to the whole song. Yeah,

Don Shanahan 6:38

yeah. So to to live in that era and to and to experience that, and be able to call back to that and enjoy it. That's enough to hang young kids. Let me tell you about back in the day, and I will be that guy

Ben Silverio 6:51

gather around children. Well, you actually inspired me to bring up something else, I guess, in kind of a mini entertainment for me then, because you, you mentioned courtship, and the the old school way of courtship in the Philippines and in the Filipino culture was no like there was, there was a musical aspect to courtship for Filipinos. And there was this one tradition called harana, where you would gather your friends to play their instruments, and you would serenade the the person whose affections you're trying to win Damn. And I always thought of that as like a as like a old school mix tape. But, you know, in person, you know, I always liked that aspect of a Filipino courtship. Yeah, so I mentioned that I made some some mixed CDs in my day. I even went as far one time for this girl that I really liked in college. I included a hidden track on the mix CD, okay, and it was hidden because I was singing it. Oh, all right. And party people, I have to let you know, I do love karaoke, but I'm not a singer, so, you know, I did my best, but the song that I sang was an English translation of a Filipino song called harana, and it talks about the whole courtship tradition of of playing music to impress The person you're trying to impress. And Don's edutainment reminded me of this little cultural aspect, so I thought I'd give an even shallower shallow dive than we normally do.

Ansel Burch 8:53

That's very sweet.

Ben Silverio 8:54

Yeah, good call. I've always liked that I

Don Shanahan 8:57

would not have the balls to sing any of the songs in any mix they've ever made, let the experts do it. They're doing better than me.

Ansel Burch 9:05

I'm very lucky. Tab and I were in a singing group when we were first together, so, like, we did a fair amount of singing together. There's

Ben Silverio 9:15

just something about the act of singing together, whether you're good or not. Oh yeah, true. It definitely can bring a couple together. I think

Ansel Burch 9:23

something, something harmony, something, yeah,

Ben Silverio 9:25

exactly. But you know, when you're trying to serenade someone who doesn't want to be or who isn't taking your serenades in the same way that you're that you're putting them out. It's a it's a very different

Ansel Burch 9:42

thing. Your mileage may vary, yeah, yeah,

Don Shanahan 9:44

yes. I think of just the the act of courage that, like, when you brought a courtship, like, all those layers of like, we didn't have cell phones and texting, we had to, like, walk up to somebody at a at a class, a bar, a hallway, a locker, or wherever you. Were and, like, you had to face to face, put yourself out there and maybe get a phone number. I keep thinking the movie swingers all the time where, like, I know it was its own little game and its own little thing, but at the same time, it took a tremendous amount of courage to kind of do that back in the day, whereas, like, not that a mixtape was a cop out, but like, it still was, like, a these are my you know, I mean, all this worked for you. And here's the things I love, please love them with me and like that was about as distant as we could do versus but you still had to, kind of like face to face, get that mixtape to them. You couldn't just, like, stash in their backpack or locker or text it to them, you know, as

Ansel Burch 10:33

a first move, it was definitely aggressive. Yeah, yeah, I know we're not dating, but I spent 90 minutes on this. Yeah,

Don Shanahan 10:41

I'm not obsessing you at all. You know, especially that, you know the booty slinging song, that's third in the track here. You know, like, you know that R Kelly, feeling on your booty can only hit so hard guys, you know, my god, yeah, that's the other thing. It's like the music, the music of then, versus the music now, like we would, I'm not saying we got away with some things. We're not our killing getting away with some things. But like, oh yeah, we would. We the innuendo of songs then is, well, I guess there's plenty heavy now, but like, it was more taboo to even have them around back then than now. I

Ben Silverio 11:14

always point out the venga boys, boom, boom, boom, uh huh. As, like, I can't believe we got away with this. Oh, sure, you know, like, when you look the lyrics to that song, it's just like, uh, this was on like, a Radio Disney. Oh, seemingly,

Don Shanahan 11:31


Ansel Burch 11:33

and that's, and that's the victory. I forget about songs that are deeper in the track, in the track list of of albums, because, yeah, it would take a lot to get the Thong Song onto the radio that that took. That was a Herculean feat. Oh yeah. Whereas there are a million thong songs fourth or fifth down the out track list that just, you know, you probably didn't even hear

Don Shanahan 11:58

True, true.

Ben Silverio 12:02

Oh my god. Like, just some thinking back on some of the songs, like Barbie Girl, if you actually listen to the lyrics of Barbie Girl, like, holy crap. Yeah,

Ansel Burch 12:12

I listen to a podcast. Will promo somebody else's podcast. They didn't ask me to the show is called Bill buds. And what they do is they listen to an entire album, and it has to be an album that charted on the Billboard, top 100 but other than that, there, there are no rules. So as long as it hit the top 100 at some point they can, they can cover it on the show. And they have gotten some truly wild shit on there, and it has gotten me back into listening to the whole of albums, which means I'm I'm hearing more of those deep album cuts that I would never have caught, like I would never have listened to 10,000 gecks If it wasn't for this podcast. And there's some, there's some gems, deep, deep, in the album. But anyway, so promo for somebody else's podcast. They they don't know me, but I kind of know them tertiary through a friend. So hey, Bill buds, little little bump from you're

Ben Silverio 13:16

frequently on on a podcast too, aren't you? I mean, while

Don Shanahan 13:20

we're doing podcast programs, I'm on this one, you know, and then I have bought plenty of buddies here and there. I need to do a better job of getting those people back on my show. But we record weird times. We're school teachers where we don't make hay in the summer, we'll never see you all again. So yeah, I got to get there at some point, getting you folks over to us. So yeah, there you go.

Ansel Burch 13:40

Yeah, come summer, we should, we should just tape like, six or seven of these and we can just, like, throw them out

Don Shanahan 13:44

as right. Gosh,

Ben Silverio 13:47

all right. Ansel, do you want to go next? Or do you want me to

Ansel Burch 13:51

I can go next, sure. Okay, mine is sort of a mini edutainment this time, because I picked a topic that is not as deep as I thought it would be, but I think it's still a fascinating look into surf culture. And I kind of alluded to it early on. I was distracted by the application of surf wax to the board right before I was gonna do surf wax. Oh, no, really, that's

Don Shanahan 14:17

a point break. Oh,

Ansel Burch 14:20

okay, I've got a backup. But, yeah, I thought, Oh, what a great little detail to put on the on the thing. And then right before he dies as well, like, boom, okay, you didn't need to put you didn't need to go that hard. But yes, so, so surf wax is, today, largely paraffin wax, and it is paraffin wax that has been hardened or softened, depending on the temperature of the water that you're going to surf in, huh? So, yeah, I also did not know that. So depending on where you are going surfing, you're going to go for a different kind of wax. And that is super interesting. But I wanted to look at the history. Of surf wax because it is so tied to the history of surfing in general. And it turns out that, according to the California surf Museum, which is a real thing, it goes back to the immediately pre war period. According to them, in 1935 a teenager in California applied Floor Wax to his surfboard, and he because he had observed that when his mom waxed the floor, his feet stuck to the wat to the wax floor better. So he was like, I wonder if that would work for my surfboard. And then his mom got mad at him for stealing the floor wax and insisted that he use the paraffin that they use for canning, and history was made. And so if you believe the California surf museum that is where waxing your surfboard comes from, there is a Brazilian story That sounds awfully familiar, that also includes two brothers who wanted to go surfing and needed something to maintain their grip that one does not go as far back, but it's tough to say with any surety who, who maybe was the first but the California surf Museum. They they think they've got it knocked down. And it was Alfred gallant Jr, who first waxed a surfboard back in the 30s. And then the first commercially available surfboard wax came out in the 60s. Took until 1964 for the surf research company to produce a surf wax, or 1963 sorry, and they went out of business, or split into two smaller companies in the early 70s, leaving the door open for a company called Sex wax, which is still the standard today. Although there are many, many, many waxes, sex wax has been a sort of staple, and that one started in 1972 stack up on sex

Ben Silverio 16:55

wax now. Ansel always right, yeah, you're gonna need all that for for that, for all the waves in Chicago. Oh,

Ansel Burch 17:06

yeah. Hey, you know we're getting less and less inland every year.

Don Shanahan 17:11

We just had one. Did they tell me the other day, our least precipitation during me allowed meteorological winter in 88 years, O'Hare had under 12 inches of precipitation between December and February. Wow. Finished dry all

Ben Silverio 17:26

waited until after I left, I know to get all that

Don Shanahan 17:31

thinnest, driest winter in 88 years, something like

Ansel Burch 17:34

that. That's why, I mean, it has been shockingly mild this year. Yeah.

Ben Silverio 17:41

Thanks for opening in, guys. Yeah,

Don Shanahan 17:43

you enjoy your California surf Museum. Take that drive down Oceanside. Yeah, go visit.

Ben Silverio 17:49

I am in Oceanside a lot. Yeah, that's a whole though. Man, my edutainment was inspired by a couple things. If you listened to our back to future Part Two episode, I did more of a list of edutainment, and I kind of did the same thing here, because it's kind of related to what Don was talking about. But I was really inspired by the line in the movie where Chloe quotes Harrison by saying B sides never get enough love. So I wanted to look into some famous B sides to see just how much love they were getting. But here's the thing, some of some B sides should have been a sides. But let's start here, B side and a side. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, the A side and B side refer to the two sides of a record or a cassette that will usually mention whether it's a or b, and usually on the A side is where they put the, like, the big hit song that they want to get out there, you know, like, it's like, your your first and best shot. Meanwhile, the B side, or the flip side, is like the secondary recording that usually doesn't get as much attention. You know, it's just like, oh, maybe the artist felt some kind of way about the song and really felt like it should get a little bit more spotlight than just being on the album. You know, it, and a lot of times a b side can all can serve as, like a bonus, you know, like a track that wouldn't be regularly featured on the album, or something like that, or like a live version of the A side, or, you know, there's a number of ways to handle it, but when you're looking historically at famous B sides, you know. I mostly focused on pop music, like Billboard charts and things like that. So I'm sure there are some other ones in other genres that will be mind blowing to you, but I have this list of songs almost like a mix tape now we're talking that I'd like to share with you. Yes, um, starting with we will rock you by Queen. That's a B side. That was a B side. Who it was the B side of We are the champions. Well,

Don Shanahan 20:29

I mean, that's a heck done, right? That's a nice one two punch, of course.

Ben Silverio 20:35

Exactly, yeah, absolutely. Um, next is, you can't always get what you want by The Rolling Stones, which was the B side for Honky Tonk Woman.

Don Shanahan 20:48

See, that's when I Yeah, yeah. Probably

Ansel Burch 20:50

should switch those. Yeah,

Ben Silverio 20:52

absolutely. Because, like, I, when I was going through the these songs, I was just like, do I remember this a side? And for a minute I did not remember Honky Tonk Woman, and I'm like, Wow, I can't believe the B side was the one that lasted for this. This one was really surprising to me. All right, good riddance. Time of Your Life by Green Day was originally a B side for a song called Brain stew. It was released in 1994 and then when they were recording Nimrod for 1997 they re recorded time of your life, and then it became the huge hit that we all know and love now,

Don Shanahan 21:33

son of a gun, all right, yes,

Ben Silverio 21:37

La Bamba by Richie Valens. It was the B side to Donna, if I'm remembering correctly, Richie really wanted to do a song in Spanish, and the only way the record label would let him do it was if it was a B side for for one of his singles. Yeah, and,

Don Shanahan 21:54

you know, but of course, the swing, the swing ballad for high school dances, you know, six inches of the Holy Spirit you're gonna put down. Yeah, I get it. I get absolutely,

Ben Silverio 22:03

but if you're looking to rock, you know, yeah, the bomb, but has turned into that, yeah, come on now. Next up is Beth by kiss. It was the B side for Detroit Rock City, and Beth actually ended up being Kiss's highest charting single ever. Wow, and they tried to bury it as a B side to the third single from their album destroyer. Okay, so it was just like, you know, hidden there, and because a DJs kid really liked the song. She put it in the rotation, and people started to pick up on it. This won't be the first time you hear about a DJ changing the course of these songs on this list. So I have a couple more. The next one is, God only knows, by the Beach Boys, it is the B side to wouldn't it be nice, but interestingly, internationally, specifically in the UK, okay, God Only Knows was the A side. Oh, interesting. Only in America was, wouldn't it be nice, the A side? Yeah. And in the UK, God Only Knows ended up reaching number two on the charts, but not here in America. Interesting. All right, the next one, another cover, Hound Dog by Elvis Presley. The a side was, don't be cruel, yeah? Both banger song, yes, yeah.

Don Shanahan 23:36

Coin sauce, you know me there, you know, yeah,

Ansel Burch 23:38

exactly, don't be cruel does not seem to have held up, though, as long so, no, not

Don Shanahan 23:43

like the other No, yeah.

Ben Silverio 23:47

Next is Rock Around the Clock by Bill Haley and his comments. The a side, which I don't think I've ever heard, is 13 women and only one man in town.

Don Shanahan 23:58

Same never heard it. You got me there. Have no idea what

Ansel Burch 24:01

that's on. I go listen to it now. Let's Yeah. I have questions,

Don Shanahan 24:06

right? 13, sir, right, isn't it nuts?

Ben Silverio 24:11

Finally, the last song, Unchained Melody by the righteous brothers. Oh, it was the B side for hung on you. Me neither. And like Beth, after a DJ got wind of Unchained Melody, they put it into regular rotation. It reached number four in the US, number one in the UK. Yeah. And as it should, you know, they did not think that it would be as much of a draw because of the the slow beginning, right, right? And so essentially, they were kind of just fucking around on it, yeah? So I forgot which righteous brother said it, but he was like, yeah. If I'd known this was going to be as big of a hit as it was, I would have got a better piano player.

Don Shanahan 24:58

All right. I. Yeah.

Ben Silverio 25:00

So there you go. Those are some famous B sides that ended up being more famous in many cases than their a side. Um, highly recommend looking into some music history. Yeah. If that interests you,

Ansel Burch 25:16

that's a good list. Send me that list. Ben, I'll put it on the in the show notes. Good call,

Ben Silverio 25:22

right? Will do that

Don Shanahan 25:24

makes me ask something I should have asked last episode, because you asked, you know, which move you like better? You know, between the two graphics and press play, because we've been enjoying just the comparison, which soundtrack do you like better? I know this press plays cool. I know not as much airplay, clearly, with the records availability and all that stuff like that, but just from, you know, the diegetic part of watching the movie, which, which movie you jamming with? More,

Ben Silverio 25:50

my God, um, I know, honestly, that kind of granite song goes a long way. I agree.

Don Shanahan 26:00

Um, I mean, they had me enjoy this breakfast too. So like,

Ben Silverio 26:03

yeah, Japanese breakfast is great. It's just the way that Nelly Furtado is ingrained in the greatest hits. I have a new appreciation for it. Okay. I feel like, great. Both have replayability. Oh, for sure, for sure, yep, but looking at them both eyes as a whole, damn I, I think I would find myself listening more regularly to press play than the greatest hits, but the Greatest Hits still has a great soundtrack.

Don Shanahan 26:36

Yeah, yeah. Oh, both, both work. Yeah, both work. I

Ansel Burch 26:40

think I would go the other way. I think Greatest Hits has more, more songs I already knew and appreciated. Okay, you know, yeah, I might be too much of a Luddite for Japanese breakfast, which I'm gonna fix now that I've seen this movie. But, but yeah, like, yeah, Greatest Hits. Greatest Hits dropped enough needles that they're maybe just by numbers game. They hit me more, yeah, because I really didn't know any of the songs from this Holly list until we got to the Flaming Lips. Okay, which like that one night, that one, I'm very familiar with. That one hit me hard, and I was like, Ah, okay. All right, guys, see what you did there. But yeah, I think Greatest Hits would be my my chip, my pick out too. I'm impressed

Don Shanahan 27:32

play guy, yeah? All right, I know just it just, but that's different stories, different folks, you know, just taste music stuff. So, yeah,

Ansel Burch 27:40

that's sure wrong with that, yeah.

Ben Silverio 27:43

Well, all right, Don as, as the professional teacher here, you'd be qualified to answer this question. How would you grade our edutainment this month? Oh,

Don Shanahan 27:55

solid, B plus, if not a minus. Come on. Now, like being able to to do besides being able to kind of talk about surf wax. I mean, the diversity of lessons that you can get between science and art and music and all that, like only science experiments, of which wax can do the best. Let's have some music seminars, which soundtrack can do what, and do some research. Oh, no, you folks did great. B plus, A minus. For sure. Can't call it a plus. I'm not sitting here like, you know, immediately going on Wikipedia, like, I need to know that now. But, oh yeah, B plus, A minus. Sorry, Mark,

Ben Silverio 28:26

I'll pay it for for a shallow dive. That's a great, great. Yeah. Oh man, party people, we hope you had a great time with us this month. On Time to party. Go watch press play on Hulu. Thank you Don again for joining us this month. Always a pleasure to have you around. Hopefully we'll have you on again very soon.

Don Shanahan 28:51

Likewise, thank you so much for including me and bring me in here. I need to return the favor overdue to get you on this info file. His fit with me. My guy will Johnson, we'll find a way. But yes, thank you. It's a pleasure. You guys do great work. Beautiful show. Love the segments. Love the stuff. And, yeah, time travel, I mean one to draw, you know, you time travel, but then again, to be able to span the things that you guys fan. It's, it's beautiful to listen to and watch and, and, yeah, I wouldn't be lying if I didn't find plenty of drink and rolls they have a good time with it too.

Ben Silverio 29:25

You were far too kind. Don thank you so much. Party people. You can find us on the internet. I am at B Silverio 20 on Instagram. You know, letter boxed, blue sky, sure. All other stuff.

Don Shanahan 29:43

For me, I am the film The Oh geez. I am the editor in chief and lead critic on film obsessive my own personal site's Every movie has a lesson. I did talk about the podcast all of a sudden. So send a file. Hissel fit podcast, wherever you find your podcast, platforms, social wise CasablancaDon tends to be my handle on Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, blue sky,

Ansel Burch 30:04

and I am at the indecisionist on all the meta properties, as well as blue sky and Yowza and Reddit now, and I haven't mentioned it up until now, but you can also check out my new podcast from indecisionist Productions for the time being. It's an actual play of the game that I designed called Mavericks. So I'm very excited to be bringing it to you, and by the time you hear this episode, we will be two episodes into the first adventure. So go ahead and check that out for the time being, available wherever fine podcasts are downloaded, and this has just like that, been an indecisionist production. Special. Thanks to April marMoralba for our podcast art, and to Marlon Longid of Marlon and the Shakes for our amazing theme song.

Ben Silverio 30:50

If you're still using hashtags on anything, you can use the hashtag time two party. That's time the number two party to join the conversation as well

Ansel Burch 30:59

as time the number two party all spelled out thanks to Warwick.

Ben Silverio 31:02

Oh boy have we had a great time this month or what like. I cannot wait for whatever new adventures we get into and until we figure out whatever those are. Party people be excellent to each other and

Don Shanahan 31:16

party on dudes.

Ben Silverio 31:19

Words are hard. Ah, welcome

Ansel Burch 31:29

adventurers from across time and space, five creators have been brought together from across the internet for one purpose and one purpose alone, to travel through time and have a good time doing it. When big changes happen to the timeline, the change attracts other time travelers like gravity, they won't be able to move past it until they fix whatever was messed up. So our heroes are stuck together, but only for the time being.

Sarah Moore 31:54

You're saying the secret part out loud. Think

Stella Cheeks 31:57

that she is fine,

Ben Banks 31:58

okay? Because we're you were both screaming, she was screaming. You were also screaming.

Omar Burgos 32:02

And you have brought it here, and you are the one who is effing up the timeline,

Stella Cheeks 32:08

my hand is definitely still a little covered in blood by like, weird.

Ansel Burch 32:11

Do you scream when he screams?

Stella Cheeks 32:13

Yeah, absolutely.

Ansel Burch 32:14

For the time being, a new actual play podcast from indecisionist Productions playing the Mavericks system, available wherever fine podcasts are downloaded you.


Press Play Bonus Episode


Press Play: Part 2